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  • Definition 1: Defecating on a woman prior to, during, or immediately after intercourse. Usage Example: I couldnt hit it any more after I gave her a Hot Carl. Definition 2: Covering yourself with saran wrap and having someone take a dump on it. All the pleasure without the mess. Definition 3: Crapping in someone's mouth.
  • What my mom served me for my 35th birthday. It came with potatoes & gravy. Have a seat.... I'm Chris Hanson form dateline nbc. I'm doing a story on people meeting other online to poop on eachother. I would like to be pooped on. I still live with my mom. Have a seat.
  • A Hot Carl is where a woman performs oral on a man while he is defecating. A Cleveland Steamer is where someone actually get deficated on.
  • My bowling team's name is Hot Carl. When we win, it's free Hot Carls for for everyone....
  • "Covering yourself with saran wrap and having someone take a dump on it" is the Glass Bottom Boat, not the Hot Carl.
  • So want to hear a funny story? While drunk last week I returned my mom's phone call. Well she called me in the afternoon asking me what she could get her grandkids (my nephews & niece) for Easter. I called her 3:00am and told her, "Mom! All the kids want a hot Carl!" So at 7:00am I get a message form my sister Nicole. "Marc! Mom just called me up and said she's wants to give DJ a Hot Carl!" So when I go to my mom's house to take care of her. My aunt called and asked my mom what she was giving the grandkids for Easter. My mother went and told her that all the kids want a hot Carl. She then went to say, "I don't know what it is.. Maybe an action figure or something!" One place said it is: Hot Carl - A simple maneuver where you withdraw your shaft from the bowels of his/her anus and place it directly into his/her mouth for a cleaning. Apparently some guy named Carl first tried this. Another place said: A Hot Carl is the act of putting saran over the face and taking a dump on it. Anal to oral is called a 'rusty trombone', dumping on the chest is a 'Cleveland steamer', and anal to tit fucking is a chili dog. If you have the squirts and can attain maximum heat and force a hole through the saran and onto the skin/mouth then you are awarded extra points, Carl would be proud. "I bought some saran wrap today because I want to give Carrie a hot Carl for her birthday." Does it involve Carl from Aqua Teen Hunger Force? Is it a drink? Hot Carl Drink recipe 1 oz Sauza® Hornitos Reposado tequila 1 oz DeKuyper® Watermelon Pucker schnapps 1 1/2 oz sweet and sour mix The truth is it's Saran wrap and turdies?
  • I hate the fact that I know this, but a Hot Carl is (God help me for sharing this) is when one partner defecates into a sock and hits the other in the face with the now diurrhetic hosiery

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