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  • 1) you can get out. It may be extremely difficult but you can. 2) you do not deserve it. The abuser may have you convinced that you do but it is manipulation. 3) just because they are not hitting you does not mean it is not abuse. Verbal and emotional abuse can be as bad as physical. 4) it is going to get worse. 5) do not stay in it for the children. They see you being abused and they learn to abuse from your partner. And/or THEY get abused as well. 6) saying they are sorry and continuing to abuse is not an acceptable apology. Actions talk louder than words. Words can be hot air. Ignore them. 7) if the person starts trying to control who you see or what you do, that is a HUGE danger sign... one of the biggest. 8) if they say that they are the only ones who can love you, do not buy it. It is a manipulative lie. 9) emotional blackmail is abuse as well. If somebody says they are going to kill themselves if you leave, say goodbye. It is not your fault if or when they do this... or not. 10) do not be afraid to ask for help.

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