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  • It's statuitory rape if there is sexual activity. Basically, if the 14-year-old is involved in anything that would qualify as rape were it not consensual, even if it is consensual, it's statuitory rape because she is legally not old enough to consent to sex. However, if the two are "just dating," things should be fine.
  • Why don't people just mind thier own business. If the two people both want to do it, does it matter? It takes two to tango! Honestly, how many people reading this now, had sex before their States legal age of consent?? If I was taking bets, I'd be rich! As most people would if honest state, they couldn't give a rats arse to age, they just did it on the spur of the moment, or would have had sex regardless of the law.
  • Yes, because she is a freshman fingerpuppet.
  • Rape requires sex. If there is no sex, there can be no cry for rape - statutory or otherwise.
  • im 18 and im dateing a 14 year old girl and were in love its worth risking getting cuaght by cops the law is pointless and pathetic just like utah people just mind ur own bussiness god my parents are 20 years apart love is love dosent matter between a guy and a guy a girl and a girl or a older man and a yonger girl u get the drift and if thay wanna have sex then its there choice its only wrong if there forced or what ever but really leave the subject alone i hate this law it breaks my heart im willing to take the risk cause i love my gf tammy <3 tammy so fuck what people think thats all i have to say
  • FRANK PETERS, i take you don't have a 14 year old daughter do you? Because if you did and you found out she was screwing around with a 21 year old, youwouldn't want the police telling you "mind your own business. If the two people both want to do it, does it matter? It takes two to tango!"
  • It is if you are having a sexual relationship.

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