• no, we are unique, just like everyone else.
  • Umm, if they could really do it I may have a change of heart.
  • Yes. I think rock stars and pro athletes should have replacements and replacement parts so they can't buy them away from people who really need them.
  • Think of all the people you there anyone you really want TWO of walking around?
  • I do not agree with cloning humans. Because >>>> They would have or will develop different feeling's for us (it is like developing a antimatter of human). They would not have any parents and brothers or sisters and they would not have any emotional feeling's like us. Just think what if you know that you are not child of anyone. By cloning we would decrease the value of human life just like plants (as they are easily regrown and do not have any feelings). By cloning there would be massive killings and the human would be just like machines (if it works then use it other wise trash it and create more).
  • I personally don't have a problem with it. I think we're a ways off from it being a reality, regardless of whatever that crazy space-cult was that claimed they already have. I also think that it's just the idea that people have that somehow xeroxed copies of ourselves will be running around, all soulless, that most have a problem with. I doubt THAT would ever really happen, because individuals are really more than just their genetic makeup. If that weren't the case, twins wouldn't be the unique people that they are. The reality of cloning humans will be far less exciting than all the sci-fi fear mongering and hoopla that some would have us believe it will be like. Replacement body parts grown in a lab are not really going to suddenly want to take over the planet or anger whatever God there is out there. They'll have more in common with knee or hip replacement surgeries and going off to AutoZone than creating a race of zombies.
  • No we are not way off of it we can already do it. iIt's just the matter of it being legal or not now.
  • I have never met any humans who are cloning, so I don't know if I would agree with them on anything.
  • No I don't agree.
  • Definately not! In a hundred years the world could be full of Mutants.
  • I don't have a problem with it, but I don't see much need for it. I don't like the idea of cloning humans to just be used for spare parts, like in "The Island" though.
  • no i don't. but some-times i would like to send me to work so i could sit and play on the computer.
  • One of everyone is enough. each contributes something wonderful and unique to the world.
  • Seems a little freaky but other than that what the hell ever.
  • The only reason I can see them cloning humans is to harvest the organs and this could not be right. They have found with animal cloning that the animals do not live very long lives and are not particularly healthy. Why would we clone humans to harvest organs that are second rate . That is even without the moral issues. Rather reminds me of BLADERUNNER where the clones or robots developed feelings so they had to be killed off
  • I would only agree to cloning humans if the clones were recognized as being individual human beings with all of the same rights and privileges as any other human. As long as the clones are recognized as humans, I would have no problem with cloning. For those that are afraid of having exact copies of people running around, that would not be the case with a clone. Genetically speaking, the clone would be the same as an identical twin. However, since there would most likely be a significant age difference between the clone and the cloned, emotionally they probably wouldn't even be as much alike psychologically and socially as two identical twins who were raised together.
  • No. I believe that we have an overpopulation problem as is and bringing extra humans, regardless of the nature of their conception, isn't a good thing. Hell, I don't even know if 'natural' reproduction is a good idea. As for the arguments about cloning for therapeutic purposes, I have a very cold opinion about that. It's called Darwinism. Survival of the fittest. If your organs fail because you abused your body, you don't deserve to live. If you have defective DNA, nature is trying to remove you from the gene pool. If you need spare parts due to a certifiable no-fault medical emergency, then you're a statistical anomaly and unlikely to survive long enough to receive a transplant (or an ambulance ride) anyways.
  • I wouldn't say that I agree with it, but I don't disagree with it. I'm agnostic, so I don't believe in a soul or anything. I have faith that clones would be treated just as any member of society, and there are many medical reasons why people might want to have a clone. (Realistic reasons, that do not put the clone's health at risk. I don't believe in organ harvesting, even if it is possible for both parties to live, such as kidneys or partial liver transplants.)
  • Man shall have dominion over the animals and the clones! Man shall have dominion over all that have no soul! Be fruitful and multiply so sayeth the lord!
  • Fact from fiction, truth from diction, I am not really for cloning. It can be abused easy and will be my mankind. I believe somewhere in a bunker deep under NORAD or Area 51 they are working on just that, if they haven't done it already. The clones would in a sense be 3rd class citizens. People already want to use the unborn to cure themselves if there were a way to make a copy with perfect replacement parts you think people be ethical and pass up the chance? We are not ethical in giving the unborn a chance to live when they did not ask to be conceived, solely for the convenience of the mother because she may have got drunk or wasted on Spring break and not had dude use a rubber. As far as anyone thinking it would cheapen life we have done that to millions of the unborn because they were in the way, mucking up the plans. But even though cloning is a form of “playing God” I would rather see man set up the conditions for got to create life than end beating hearts God already started.
  • Well, I'm divided. I don't buy into all of this "god says it's icky/ it conflicts with the teaching of my holy book and may be detrimental to my religion's brainwashing process" stuff, but I do object for other reasons. Firstly, we already have too many people. Why do we need even more people??? Everyone should quit having so many goddamn babies, and then MAYBE we could start to think about human cloning. Secondly, the psychological effects on the clone could be detrimental. Imagine finding out that you are not an individual, most other people are, but you are simply a copy of someone else. I think that the cloning itself is not "wrong", but I think that there are certainly issues.
  • cloning can be dangerous if something go wrong like a malfunction. trust me if that happens u will know how hell feels like.

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