• This is very difficult because when it comes down to it, who am I to tell you what to do if you both love each other?
  • Hello! you are 16, dont even think about a serious relationship at this age ... You have your whole life in front of you and there will be plenty of time for boys later ... Unless he is a gentleman and can give you the time and space you need to grow into a woman then tell him to MOVE ON ... At 16 you need to think of your life before worring about a a relationship with an older guy, you could miss precious time only to find that he may not stay with you as expected.
  • POINTS FOR ASKING! FIRST: Do your parents know? If they do, if they approve, if he's serious about his feelings [and not out screwing himself into a case of Herpes to 'gift' you with], and IF he is serious about waiting until you are older, then this is respect, which is a prerequisite to true love. THAT is a lot of if's. Talk it over with your parents- they really do have a clearer perspective... take care!
  • Well, I would say you both should move on and revisit the issue when you're 18. A lot can happen between now and then. However, I applaud you both for knowing the importance of holding off on dating until you are an adult.
  • Whether or not he waits is his decision, and you should respect it. Likewise, whether or not you wait is your decision, and he should respect it.
  • You wouldn't be asking if you didn't already know the truth of the answer. If felling are the source of pain then something is wrong. Question, why at 22 is he not dating someone from his own group? Look at why someone else may not want him. You may find an answer to you pain. Maybe no else want him in his age group because of the pain he brings. If the heart achs then it is wrong, only joy should come
  • Kudos to you for approaching this reasonably. I think if you've known him for 7 years, and if he really does genuinely love you, he'll be willing to wait. But continue to nurture the strong friendship you already have. Keep hanging out with your friends, and with him. In the two years that are ahead of you, a lot could change, or you could develop a stronger bond. It's good to give it that time. Trust me on this one: the years between 18 and 24 are a lot shorter than those separating 16 and 22. Good luck.
  • As long as you to don't have sex, then it's ok. My sister has done this a lot and I heve to tell ya the older guys like sex, so just have patience and he will show you if he really likes you by not having sex.
  • Wait till you're 18... i just turned 24 and the girl i wanna be with is 17 1/2 and we're waiting till she's 18 b/c everyone says its soooo wrong but it's not, we really love each other and i respect her so we're waiting and when she's 18 she'll be an adult and no one can really say anything about it! =o)
  • Ok so you have known him since you were 9 years old, and he was 15? I have a real problem with this and I believe in love, and waiting etc. However when a grown man, of 22 dates a 16 year old girl, something is wrong! I raised two sons and NEVER did they date juveniles nor did they ever try. He needs to move on, get married and have a family. You need to let him go, you have alot of living to do, and this is one the best times of your life.
  • I am 17 and I have a 21 year old boyfriend. We have so much in common and really care about eachother. I can see both of us together for a really long time. If faced with the question should I date him if the circumstances get him into trouble than I would backoff but there are no hinderances. We don't have sex and we do group dates, he respects my parents so I don't see a problem. I am quite mature and he is mature as well. It depends on where you see yourself in the future chica. I say wait until your 17 1/2 at least, to see how you feel about him in the future thats what I did.
  • I have a feeling this may make me unpopular... but 16 and 22 is not that big an age gap! Anyone who describes 22 year old boys as 'men' can't know many, and I certainly did not consider myself a 'child' at 16. If you are over 16 it is all perfectly legal and if you get on and don't feel the age gap (which is surely the biggest problem in terms of a relationship) then why shouldn't you be together? If you love someone you should give it a go and be together, not hold off because you worry about growing apart - that can happen at any age.
  • I've been here before, and I would suggest just stay friends for right now, and if you two really love each other as much as you say then when you hit 18 he'll still be there. Beside have'nt you ever heard that saying "if you really love something, let it go and if it comes back then it's truly yours..." Just be prepared for the hurt and weirdness when one of you starts dating someone else....
  • i'm in the same predicament as you...i'm 17, he's 21. We're both just going to wait until i'm 18. If you're able to continue a healthy relationship as just friends and are both able to hold out for that long, then at least you'll also kno that you hav something special between you both and that u both mean a lot to the other. If you realli love each other, it can wait. The only other thing i'd pose as a problem is maturity levels? But if you get along and and hav known each other for years you'll be fine.
  • Too young for both of you. Be friends, be carefull (you know what I mean if the relationship is more than platonic). He says he loves you, but I really think you are too young to be sure about loving him. If you are not sure, keep it as friends.
  • If you were here in the uk the age limit is 16 so you wouldn't have a problem :) :)
  • I say if you love him try things and if they dont seem to work go back to being friends...Every great relationship starts out with a friendship
  • I know how you feel. I am in a similar situation. I met the guy that I am in love with when I was 16 and he was 24. We didn't date. and now I am 18 and we are still having trouble trying to figure out what we should do now that I am 18. I suggest that you wait until you turn 18 to date him. If you really love each other, it can wait. You need to give yourself time to grow and become a women. He can wait. Best of luck!
  • First off, no one can tell you what to do. It's YOUR life. Period. When push comes to shove, life is too short to let anyone (an ABer, your mom, or your guy) to tell you what to do with your future. I will implore you, however, to make your decisions wisely. (byt the phrasing of your question, I can see you're thinking properly, so I applaud you! As the Good Book says: Wisdom seeketh much council.) In two years, you'll be a legal adult. Two years. That's two Christmas Eves where you can't sleep. Two birthdays. Two New Years' Eves... but for all that, that's really not a lot of time. Especially if you're considering the rest of your life. Think of the rest of your life, and his as well. If you think this guy is serious (and don't listen to these people who say you can't be thinking of a serious relationship. A 16 year old girl CAN BE and often IS in real love.) and if you can seriously consider spending your life with him (after all, why date if not to eventually marry?), then have a talk with the boy (by yourself, but not alone... and it should be done face to face) and hash out the terms of the relationship for the next two years. They should consist of such things as "no un-chaperoned trips(little brother is NOT a chaperone)" "hands-off policy" et cetera. Under NO circumstances should any of this be kept secret from your parents and your pastor, if you have one. It will be difficult. Don't think it won't be. This is a commitment most couples never have to make, but believe me, it will be worth it in the end. If nothing else, you will never take your relationship for granted. When it comes down to it, 6 years is nothing in age difference. Just please, do indeed wait until you are 18 to date. And if you need support, I can give you my email, and I'll talk to you. I know what the waiting period is like. Good luck, honey. I'm rooting for you.
  • well, if he really loves you, than wouldnt it be mean to tell him to move on. people who are freaking out about this need to calm down, its not a big deal. you might be thinking that she is an underdeveloped mind. but you cant assume that this guy is playing her because of her age and she cant see it. love is a touchy subject and no one eles can be the judge of what you need to do, like you would listen if some stranger on the internet said to break it off with him if thats not exactly what YOU wanted.
  • I dont think you shoudl be with him and if he says he can't wait then im sorry to say but all he prolly wants is sex!
  • I am in the same boat with a 6 year is love, if they are doing the right thing in waiting, why should anyone abhor that? You say, "wait, you have your whole life in front of you." Yet if you pass on true love, you may never find it again, regardless of how long you have in front of you. You don't pass on love because of social mores.
  • you should move on because in two years anything can happened so let himm move on. even u can sex!!
  • you should move on because in two years anything can happened so let himm move on. even u can sex!!
  • Since you've known him so long, and only since you've known him so long would I ever recoomend even considering it. But since he says he's willing to wait that sounds like a good idea. Sounds like you two hang out anyways if your really that close, so just keep hanging out in a public, safe way and that'll be kind of dating, if he starts to push things physically (even if your ok with that, if he pushes it without your condoning it already, then he's not right for you, at least not now). If he really is willing to wait then he wont ask for 'one more kiss'. Wait till your 17 before you call yourselves anything, ie: bf/gf, a couple or saying that your going steady. And please dear God don't lose your virginity to him because you believe yourself to be inlove, wait until he's shown that he cares for you, ie: by waiting until your older to try anything physical. (thats just from a legal stand point, as for moral, he is most definitally pushing it on the age gap. only because you have known him for 7 long friendship building years would this ever EVER be a consideration. ...Be careful chica... and good luck
  • I'm not getting this whole 'no sex''s legal and she's known him a long time. I don't get the issue with that =S Or the age gap. I've seen bigger. It's just a different life experience to what most 16 year olds have. Loads of older married adults have age gaps of at least 6 years, it's normal =] x
  • It is up to him if he wants to wait and up to you if you'll accept that he will.
  • if you can't wait until you turn 18... then tell him how you feel and tell him that you can't wait...
  • if u truly belive u will still love him and want to be with him then let him wait but if there is any doubt tell him let him decide im in a realation ship with someone twice my age right now and i no i will be with him and marry him now im young im only 16 but i no this and u need to no for sure u will wait as well this way u dont hurt him
  • i have the same situation as you. i am 15 && he is 24. weve known eachother for about 2yrs. we dont "love" eachother... yet. but do have strong feelings for eachother. && he lives FAR away. in a whole diff state across the U.S. and he said he will wait for me to turn 18 to be with me. and i like him. but if he found someone else. id have to wish him luck. as much as it would sukk. im not gonna hold HIM bakk from being happy :/
  • If he is willing to wait, then it says many positive things about his character. Since you are already hanging out, why not wait until you are eighteen? You may have the rest of your lives to be alone so have fun in groups now. Good luck!
  • I am in a similar situation. A man of 24 liked me when I was 16 (but, I didn't know until recently). If it's love, it will endure. You will be 18 in less than 2 years. It's a very good sign that he's willing to wait for you. A true gentleman. :D
  • If you love him too you should stick with it and let him wait, though I don't really know, as you haven't stated, why you are. If you're simply dating and it's not a question of doing anything that might get him arrested for statutory rape, what's the waiting for? Which is not to say that, if that's what you want to do, it's not fine.
  • You are wise to wait until you are older - six years when you're only 16 is a significant age difference. Not to mention there are legal concerns at your age. Whether he waits is his choice, but two years is a long time to put your life on hold, for both of you. There's nothing stopping both of you from casual dating now with other people, and if nothing serious develops in the interim getting together when you're old enough.
  • Personally, I doubt you will like the same person at 16 that you like at 18, just speaking from personal experience. You change a lot as a teen, you might think this guy is something completely different, but maybe not. good-luck stay safe whatever you do...
  • hey chick you should if you want to date him then ask him don't be afraid and the worst thing he can say is no lets wait so give it a shot.
  • 16 is still a young age to make this kind of decision.make him understand that a lot could happen before you are 18 like your changing your mind.if he is willing to do that then find out if he is keeping another woman while waiting for would not want an STD as an adult gift.moreover be patient.the right things would come come at the right time even love.
  • Well I wonder how it turned out! She should be 18 by now, and since this is the only question she ever asked I wonder what happened.
  • The he'd better wait, and so had you. Six years age difference: that's almost half your lifetime. Ten years from now the age difference won't matter, but it's important at your age.
  • I am currently 17 yrs old my boyfriend is 23. i love him dearly and he loves me as well. he says the same thing. and i am letting him wait for me because i love him and i feel that we will be very happy together this summer when i move in with him. we've been "seeing" eachother since i was 14. we talk every day for hours at a time. we fall asleep together some nights. i think that you shouldnt let him move on. i mean. what if he is the ONE for you and you are the ONE for him. what if you both move on and never find love. i just think that you should give it a chance and when you are 18 and with him you can decided because you both are still young and have time to find someone else if need be.
  • You should remain friends, thats it. Try to find a guy your age, you probably just started highschool you dont wanna miss out on your chance to have a highschool sweetheart and your gonna need prom dates thats your age and goes to your school so just stay in your age group. date a guy from one of your classes

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