• you try to talk her into giving it up for adoption.. please beg her NOT to abort. SHe will have a lifetime of emotional problems from that. Also some women who get abortions can NEVER get pregnant when they get ready. MD's will not tell you that but it's true. Really talk to her about adoption. There are loving parents who will pay all her medical expenses, living expenses (rent, food, utilities,) and even giving her spending money..some will even buy her a car for work. She will have NO WORRIES at all. at least she could talk to the adoption people and see what they say but PLEASE beg her not to abort. I would love to adopt a baby in a heartbeat as well as many other loving parents. GL
  • wow, it sounds like you are in the same situation as I am. How old is your friend? Mine is 16 and I don't think she understands that $300 of child support a month is NOT GOING TO COVER THE COST OF A BABY. That being said, I think all we can do is be there, be supportive. If you really think she can't handle it, try talking to her and try convincing her to give it up for adoption. My friend wouldn't; she wants the baby.

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