• Not yet, but it is a "candidate country." In order to become a member of the EU, a country must meet the Copenhagen criteria. The Copenhagen European Council of June 1993 defined the criteria as: * the stability of institutions guaranteeing democracy, the rule of law, human rights and respect for and protection of minorities (political criterion); * the existence of a functioning market economy as well as the capacity to cope with competitive pressure and market forces within the EU (economic criterion); * the ability to take on the obligations of membership including adherence to the aims of political, economic and monetary union (criterion concerning adoption of the Community acquis). From:
  • Its about to be, given some time.
  • G'day Will, Thank you for your question. No not as yet. However, it has a trade agreement and has been a candidate for membership since 1999. Regards
  • No it isn't, as of yet, largely due to human rights reforms that need to be made in the country, (such as abolishing the death penalty)
  • Not yet, it currently has not met the requirements asked of it. I actually think it is gradually turning its back on the EU.
  • No, not yet. They are trying very hard to get in but I believe that their biggest stumbling block has been the refusal to admit to the mass slaughter/genocide of the Kurdish population. They won't officially admit to having done it and, quite rightly, countries with histories of mass genocide do need to be carefully scrutinised and not just let in to the EU. It comes under the clause of 'respecting and protecting minorities' that was sited in the previous answer.

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