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  • (Allright,the negatives will tell you that the following opinion is not shared by many.But also do consider the fact that it has been written by a 17 year old observant Indian kid.And trust me,if not in the rest of the world,in india women are as what has been described below.Infact,in earlies times,indian women used to commit mass suicide to save themselves from the various conquerers who invaded the indian lands.) I’m no expert on this topic.But in my personel view,women love self respect and virginity. A women is a complex creature who sure loves sex,but only with the person she loves. She will die before she haves sex with a stranger.Then how do we see one in a pornographic movie? It is because of some selfish crooks.These people get these girls from families who are financially poor.Promise them jobs or marriage.Bring them to city .Drug them .And make them drug addict.Once thay are addicted to drugs,they have no option than submitting to your whishes. These crooks have no heart.And that’s the chief reason of you hearing children being drugged in schools.So that they trap them young. Thousands of girls,most of whom include young children are traded throughout the globe for this reason. I know that you may not share my views ‘cause the common view is that they do it for money and fun.But believe me buddy,women being a highly sensitive being can never be happy without love and self respect.All the money in this world put together cannot compensate for human emotions. So next time you see a horny looking face remember it’s just flesh and bones.The soul’s long dead,waiting for the meaningless life to end. Remember buddy, if you stop watching porn,you can’t turn over the tide or effect those in business.But you’ll surely discourage the flesh trade and the ruthless crushing of human emotions and aspirations of the millions of girls, who are woven into this visious trap in the name of you (Ofcourse, excuse me if you don’t watch porno.)
  • It really depends on the women. Sadly, many of them do it only for the money - they start stripping because they have no money, then for some it's only a short jump to prostitution, which pays more, and then from there it's only a short jump to porn; these are the girls I feel truly sorry for. However, it would be a mistake to consider that all women in porn are like this. There are some women who are financially well off and have other careers who leave this careers to become porn stars - I cannot see that they are doing this for the money, as porn is notoriously unreliable as a job; people have a desire for fresh flesh. Some women genuinely enjoy sex like this and having people watch them, as can be seen by the many sites on the internet owned and run by the very women who are featured on the site. These would be the main reasons, but I'm sure a few get into it for other reasons, such as to show an ex that she wasn't such a prude after all, or as an act of rebellion against her parents; there are so many possible reasons. Not all are good, but not all are bad, either. And the above answer, regarding drugs and kidnapping of girls, would seem to be talking about the underground sex trade where girls are prostituted on the street; most women in porn are not involved due to this; the girls in the sex trade are helpless because they have no-one to talk to apart from their 'clients' and pimps. Porn stars have far more exposure and have actual fans, so it would be harder to force them to do it through kidnapping them. I appreciate that the underground sex industry is widespread and despicable, but I think porn may be a scapegoat in the above answer.
  • MONEY. Sadly, a woman can make more money by spreading her legs wide open on a movie screen than she can by teaching a young kid how to read and write.
  • For the same reason anyone else chooses a career: they have sufficient skill to do it that someone is willing to pay them for, they enjoy doing it, and they earn money while doing it.
  • because they can, women doing porn isnt sad. we are born naked we die naked and most people like having sex. animals have sex in public! there isnt a problem with that, people are animals we are mammals just like any warm blooded living being, we die just like dogs do ect.... we even bleed red blood hellooooo, we just have diffrent spirits than dogs ect... its actually safer to do porn than to have sex with random people you meet because there are std test. so instead of hoping the person you hook up with isnt infected with something maybe people should try porn and know what their partner has and have fun life is too short for all of porn is bad shit give me a break were all gonna die!

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