• I think so. By disallowing it you just have the kids doing it behind the parents back. At least if you allow it you can meet and assess the boyfriend/girlfriend and keep an eye on the relationship.
  • Personally, as a parent, I would have to say no.
  • "allow"? Yes. If you didn't "allow" it, your children would have boyfriends/girlfriends anyway. Remember that below eighteen year olds, include seniors in high school. restricting people that age won't do any good.
  • I don't see why not. They've got to learn about love/sex/relationships sooner or later.
  • No. They should shield them from reality at all costs. Smother them. Stifle their growth and development. After all, it's for their own good. Kids have *no* idea what is good for them. Without CONSTANT parental oversight, all sorts of bad things WILL happen.
  • yeha, i think its just part of growing up. :-) forming relationships is normal. it teaches us things!
  • yea they need to build realtionships and learn from them.
  • 16 and up..and i would know each guy or girl..i did a lot of things i shouldn't have..and now i know for my future kids what to look for
  • if they're not nazis, yes. i'm 17 and i personally don't even see the point of dating young. the odds of marrying your high school sweetheart are astronomical
  • If I tell my kid he can't date he'll just do it behind my back. I would rather encourage it and maintain open dialog with him.
  • I doubt they are asked permission.
  • i had my 1st boyfried at like 6 lol i think its ok to have boyfriends/girlfriends under 18 it doesnt always lead to sex and bad things! my parents allowed me to have a boyfriend and i walked each of them freely into my house im 20 and never fallen pregnant, no STDs just heartbreak, which is expected! my 2 closes school friends there parents didnt allow boyfriends round etc, they both lost there virginity at a younger age then me (them bein 14) they both fell pregnant unplanned and 1 has had an STD...
  • I think it would be better if the parents allow them to date and moniter what goes one rather than completely restricting them. This makes the teen feel as though they have to sneak around and that isn't a good feeling at all.
  • Yes. Within limits depending on their age, the age of the bf/gf.
  • yes because if they dont allow it then there kids will just go behind there parents back and then they wont be able to talk to there parents when things go wrong.
  • if u want ur kid to be a total asshole to u then yeah dont let them have a life, but if u want them to have friends then let them do wat they want just give em protection so they dont do anything stupid and if they get in trouble spank them in the face
  • Yeah parents can do what they want if they think there kids are so stupid to the point of not really understanding there own emotions.</sarcasm>
  • Yes, or you will give the child a stigma about it make it an issue before they have even had the chance to be in love, thereby making it traumatic in the future... plus it will only breed resentment and the effect could be rebelion, in effect making it far worse than if they were aloud to learn by their own mistakes..
  • Yes! I'm 15 and in a loving relationship. Don't say it isn't possible.
  • Having a bf/gf at 18 is a pretty healthy thing. Depends on the maturity level of the child though.
  • Yes. If the parents set a good example and some healthy, age appropriate limits, there's no better way to learn than from direct experience.
  • Yep! I got married at 18 I had to do some court'en first.
  • yes. if they dont allow it then the child will just have one bihind their back. teenagers always want what they cant have even more then if they could have it. and what bad can come out of having a boyfriend/girlfriend? sex? nah. i think that you can just talk to your child about it. im sure they wont do it if they see they rnt ready. plus if you dont allow them to have a girlfriend/boyfriend then they are probably more likely to have sex.
  • Of course! Having a boyfriend/girlfriend before the age of 18 sets them up for healthy interactions later in life. Teenagers need to know how to have maintain a close relationship, and that is a relationship outside adults (including parents!) The bonds that we form as a teenager help us grow up to be well adjusted, socially outgoing people. Of course parents should monitor this behavior, but should also provide some space. Having a boyfriend/girlfriend provides a different kind of personal growth than that with friends, where peer pressure and bad ideas run rampant. An intimate relationship is a lot safer and can be more easily monitored should this kind of behavior develop. I use intimate in the most benign sense of the word, because I understand teenage pregnancy is a problem. Intimate teenage relationships are very important to the growing process and with the right amount of parental oversight, those teenagers can grow up into well-adjusted adults.
  • I think that it is healthy to have boy/girlfriends before 18 so long as it doesn't turn into a serious, sexual relationship, because it helps give teenagers experiences of being in a relationship, preparing them for later life.
  • It's not up to them to decide...they could however help them understand the pitfalls of romantic relationship...and be supportive when they get hurt in those relationships.
  • SURE! ~+~
  • Yes (with agreed-upon parameters)
  • sure why not.

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