• An invention is the act or process of inventing while an innovation is the act of introducing something new.
  • states that "While an invention is merely theoretical (even though the legal protection of a patent may have been sought), an innovation is an invention that has been put into practice."
  • Invention happens when someone comes up with a novel technology, creating something that hasn't been one before. Innovation is when a new technology or something else novel, changes society, such as when a new product generates a new market. The objective of researchers is understanding, the objective of entrepreneurs is innovation.BY ANAND.B.J FROM DODDAPPA APPA INSTITUTE FOR MBA GULBARGA
  • Both describe the creation of something new, even an invention must be materialized in some form. Innovation adds value or serves a need, whereas invention is new, but may just be novel. Invention is brand new, whereas innovation may be a different application or modification of something already existing.

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