• Your reaction is completely normal. Most people like to keep their intimacy in-doors. If your guy wants to get frisky, ask him if you can move it inside and away from others. Let him know he will have a better time.
  • Feeling someone up in public is gross. your boyfriend needs to have more respect for you and others.
  • Kissing is ok if you dont over-do it. But I would never feel up my wife if other people could see it. Thats pretty tacky, and my wife is very conservative.
  • Many, many people (probably most) feel that public displays of affection are inappropriate. Apparently you are one. Others get into the voyeurism of having other people watch them "perform". Your boyfriend, if he truly cares about your feelings, should never push you outside your comfort zone. That's part of being a couple. If you are uncomfortable doing something -- don't do it. No matter what it is. He should understand that and shouldn't get angry at you. If he DOES react with anger, you should be very aware that this may be an early warning of an abusive personality. Good luck, sweetie. +4
  • Sounds like he only wants you for one thing, like you're a blow up doll. Dump him and his disrespectful ways and find someone you deserve -- and more importantly, deserves you. Don't worry about him, guys like that usually 'rebound' within 24 hours.
  • I like PDA and have been offended in the past when a guy shys up in public. Everyone is different. I think most ppl in America do not like PDA.

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