• Find out why? Tell him it's not a competition or a need to rush. If he has a man in his life, arrange for the two of them to get together and have a "man" conversation. There are things he needs to know or you will be a grandma by age 14.
  • Is there a dad or trusted male in the picture? He needs a male that he can feel comfortable to talk intimately with. He needs to know about masturbation and that it is normal, safe and best for him at this age. Give him some lube and privacy. Explain the responsibility of having sex, not just the pregnancy but that it is wrong for him. Monitor his activiites and never leave him home alone with a female. Things heat up fast. Let him know that wanting sex is normal but is for much later on in life. Marriage is best. He is going through a hard time especially if there is no male in his life to be a role model.
  • Time for military school
  • I don't think you should have sex with your son no matter how old he is but I am old school on that sort of thing.
  • Mother/son sex often produces a lasting bond. It is greatly practiced in Japan. There is no harm if entered into with understanding by both mother and son. Society has caused the most problems with incest sex. Children do not have to be had unless desired and the offspring will not be monsters or mentally challenged any more than unrelated couples. Teach your son how to please a woman in all aspects. Do some research on the subject and proceed from there. If you are married talk to your husband informing him of your son's needs and you would like to take care of those needs with your husband's permission. Have research available to help explain the situation. I hope this has helped and enjoy yourselves.

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