• i took my test at night, and it came up correct (positive!) but read the info on the box first :) xx
  • You can take it at night, but your HCG levels are usually higher in the a.m. which is why you've got a better chance of getting a more accurate reading if you take it first think in the morning.
  • My neighbor was 2 days late. She took one in the evening and it said YES. So, I don't think it matters when.
  • oMG someone who actually uses a pregnancy test!!! HCG levels are higher in the AM. if you are just a few weeks pregnant it may show negative at night..test in the am to be sure.
  • the Beta HCG level is increasing rapidly when a female initially gets pregnant. If the HCG was 60 at 24 hrs it would be 120 at 48 and this continues for a while. You would know no matter what.
  • Well, you can theoretically take the test whenever you want but you'll get the most accurate reading with your first pee of the day. Unless, of course, you're a night person and sleep all day, then you should just take it whenever you wake.

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