• Some women can hold pee really long, but they better have toilet not far away. They have some diffcult's with the muscle holding from peeing, to just decide on there own to open!
  • 1) Who the f*** uses doodle as a word to describe their dick. 2) Why have you posted this. 3) I find it more satisfying after holding it in for a log time to pee in my girlfriend.
  • Could this question have anything to do with corks?lol
  • no boys can keep them more than girls boys have 5 times bigger (the organ that the liquid stays before you pee) than girls
  • I feel guys can hold their pee in longer than girls once they get to that point of no return at the end. A girl will frantically search for a bathroom, or complain a lot, and if you make her laugh, she'll almost pee herself. Once a guy gets to the end, he can just act normal for a while until he encounters a bathroom, which could be an hour from when he notices that his bladder is completely full. I'm not a professional, but that's how I feel about it.
  • yes, because they can birth babies and tend to have stronger muscles down there

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