• The xtains hijacked the holiday then renamed it and claimed it was exclusively theirs. I have no need to pretend this is the truth or behave according to it. I celebrate Christmas or whatever you call it as a time to be with my family.
  • Because the name doesn't matter - it is just a word. Solstice is 21st, but I will celebrarte Yule, or whatever else you call the midwinter festival, at the same time as everyone else. I would look a twit celebrating Yule on my own on the 21st then going into work on the 25th. Calling it Chrstmas avoids confusion. It is a made-up date anyway - nobody knows Jesus's birthday.
  • well, i am agnostic. i don't celebrate solstices. im quite fine with christmas, just i don't look at it like the birth of christ. i look at it like a day you spend with people you love and you get presents. im pretty sure people who do celebrate solstices look at it the way i do, just they give it a different name.
  • I celebrate the holiday because that is when it is commercially feasible to do so. Companies choose that time to close down. Stores offer holiday discounts and decorations. Why would I want to celebrate a holiday in the middle of September, when no one else does? P.S. I do celebrate each full moon, even if I have to do it all by myself.
  • I haven't celebrated or acknowledged Christmas for over 7 years. The social demands to conform with consumer purchases, over eating and bad decision making towards health are not my idea of "celebrating the holidays." Why society feels they must continue with a tradition set forth by church and government is beyond me. People say it's the time for giving, but why do we save our good naturedness for once a year? Gifts, love, good will toward man should be shared all year long, not just during the "holiday season."
  • We don't pretend that holiday is anything more than crass commercialism, as it has been for decades, and participate accordingly.
  • Do you seriously believe we're the only ones who celebrate Christmas only for it's gifts? All Christmas is for most people is a reason to go to the mall, religious or not.
  • For every reason you give me that explains why Christmas is religious I can give you two why it shouldn't be. The holiday season should be a time of joy for everyone and no one should be discluded from celebrating what ever way they want.
  • Well, anyone can celebrate anything if they do it respectfully. I've been very welcome at Wiccan celebrations even though I'm Christian. I've also been included in both Muslim and Jewish celebrations. That's because I'm respectful of their beliefs and celebrations. It's very simply a matter of mutual respect.

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