• The British "discovered" the Hawaiian Islands and the Union Jack in the corner of the Hawaiian flag is a nod in their direction.
  • when the USA took control the local's did not want to risk ofending thr british if they returned to take the land back but needed to be ready to exept american dominance
  • The Hawaiian monarchy had a very long and close relationship with the United Kingdom.
  • There are various accounts of the earliest history of the flag of Hawaii. One relates how King Kamehameha I flew a British flag, probably a Red Ensign, given to him by British explorer Captain George Vancouver as a token of friendship with King George III. Subsequent visits reported seeing the flag flying from places of honor. An adviser to Kamehameha noted that the Union Flag could draw Hawaii into international conflict as his kingdom could be seen as an ally of the United Kingdom, and he subsequently lowered the Union Flag over his home. While disputed as historically accurate, one account of events that followed stated that in order to placate American interests during the War of 1812, a flag of the United States was raised over Kamehameha's home only to be removed when British officers in the court of Kamehameha vehemently objected to it. This account then explains why the resulting flag of Hawaii was a deliberate hybrid of the two nations' flags.[3] In 1816, Kamehameha commissioned his own flag to avoid conflict. As a result, the current flag of Hawaii was born. Historians attribute its design to an officer of the Royal Navy, based on a form of the British naval flag. There is debate as to the name of the officer: some traditions[who?] credit Alexander Adams, others George Beckley. The original flag was designed to feature stripes alternating in the order red-white-blue, also attributed to various historical flags of the United Kingdom. However, some[who?] have argued that the stripes were influenced by the flag of the United States. The flag used at the first official flying of the flag of Hawaii erroneously placed the stripes in the order white-red-blue.[4] The number of stripes also changed: originally, the flag was designed with seven horizontal stripes, and in 1845 it was officially changed to eight stripes. The latter arrangement was adopted and is used today.[3] Wikipedia
  • the hawaiians didn't come up with that idea a a collective ever ever ever. they still want soverignty and show their old flag with the paddles on it and 9 stripes. for the 9 islands. many hawaiians respect america and hope that once she is returned to her rightful owners, she will give the hawaiians whatever deal seems pono (do what is right).

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