• you can't exactly make someone something they are not. however, you can make her feel more comfortable around you. make her laugh. go ahead and do something funny/embarrassing. talk to her about things she is interested in. tell her she is beautiful and amazing... but don't say that unless you really mean it. good luck![:
  • just tell her you love her and tell her that she is sexy /beautiful in any thing she is wearing be it nothing,sweat pants and a t,jeans and a worked with me!
  • Shyness is very often something that has been caused by low self-esteem, which in turn leads to nonexistent self-confidence. And anyone who tells you that "that's just how she is", has no idea of what they're saying. Last time I checked, you could learn things and get better at things, without essentially changing into someone else. The critical part is that the person must be willing to change. If she doesn't want to change, it won't happen. The thing is, if she understands how nice it is to get rid of shyness, she'll gladly accept the change and work for it. And it's your job to make her see why she should do it. I want you to boost her self-esteem. Make her value herself. Depending on the situation, this can be a very long process. The way to go is you conveying the message of appreciating her for who she is, and looking up to her in certain ways so that she will understand that she might not actually be all that bad. Compliments are good, but you can go overboard with these very easily. And you have to mean what you say! Of course, excess anything is bad, so just by giving her the experience of succeeding in things and being unique and special in a good way is very effective. And since she (hopefully) trusts you, she'll even start to believe it instead of sticking to the old belief of her not really thinking so highly of herself. Good luck!
  • Just give her some time and she will be more comfortable .
  • Keep saying positive stuff to her (encourage her). Let her know what she did good and how it has impacted on something.

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