• Adam and Eve were not the first humans and Eve was not the first woman, biblical mythology states a woman by the name of Litlith was first created for Adam, but since she refused to be subserviant she vanished into the woods and scattered back into the dust, during the second chapter God then decided to take a rib from Adam and fashion Eve from that and she was much more subserviant to Adams whim. This is all mythology, written to capture the imagination of children and illiterate peoples of the time, obvioiusly with all our great advances in science and technology and history, we have far to progress because people believe these myths to be fact unto this day, it's audacity is appalling to the critical thought process. Yes it is a fact that many of the peoples of the human race may in some instances be inbred, we were not actually to bright back in those days. But it happened none the less. The bible starts human existance made perfect just as you see us today about $6,000 years ago, but mind you these biblical creation texts were borrowed from the texts of the Sumarians, and incorporated into the Bible as we know today, but the Sumarian texts were much more violent in their theory of creation, were as the Hebrew God wove a more magical and kinder tale. Science dates human existance starting about $270,000 years ago, which is factually coinciding with Darwins evolution theory, with critical thinking and wieghing of facts the bible is kind of weak next to the insurmountable evidence science has in it's arsenals. I used the $ sign to clarify how the accounts of religion and science balance out, as you can see the checking account of religion is rather small and probably mismanaged, where as the scientific numbers seem to have pretty accurate accounting skills. ha ha sarchasm. A rating would be nice.
  • To answer the question the bible states that Adam and Eve had other sons and daughters. In other words they had daughters.
  • Incest was only defined as a sin in the book of Leviticus, and for a number of fairly obvious reasons. If you take Scripture as a serious history, then Adam and Eve were created without genetic defects and only with the course of time did various mutations creep into human DNA through cosmic rays, background radiation, carcinogens, viruses and so forth. Therefore an incestuous marriage would not have been problematic, and it was God's will that we all come from the same two progenitors so that (a) nobody could say he was racially better than other people and (b) everyone could be included when the second Adam, Jesus Christ, came to undo the damage done by the first one. And of course an incestuous marriage is considerably less bad than the usual incest, which is almost always the statutory rape of an underage girl by a male relative.
  • Yes, Adam and Eve were the first humans. The firstborn was named Cain, and the second, Abel. In a fit of rage, Cain committed the first murder and killed his brother, Abel. Afterward, the record says that Cain married and produced children. The question often asked is: ‘Where did Cain get his wife? Surely, Eve was the only woman alive then.’—Genesis 4:1-17. Some Bible critics allege that here is a “Bible contradiction” Such doubts though spring from a limited knowledge of the Bible. In fact, the Bible clearly shows that Adam and Eve had many children. We read: “And the days of Adam after his fathering Seth [another son] came to be eight hundred years. Meanwhile he became father to sons and daughters.” (Genesis 5:4) Hence, there were other women in those days, apart from Eve. Cain married one of his sisters. Later, of course, God forbade marriage among such close relatives.—Leviticus 18:9; 20:17. Even scientists say that we are all related through our DNA. The Bible shows in Genesis that people had much longer life spans 5,000 years ago, and remember that Adam and Eve started off as perfect humans.
  • The book of Genesis (Genesis 5:4) indicates that Adam and Eve had many children. It is reasonable to assume that not all of them were sons. And I get your point about incestuous relations. Two people seems too small a gene pool.
  • Hey, always knew there was incest in the religious circles. Just look at some of their arguments. No surprise there.
  • I actually asked this of a friend of mine who is a Born Again Christian. He told me that just because the Bible doesn't mention anyone other than Adam and Eve doesn't mean there weren't other people living outside of Eden. I understand what he was saying, but that's just the kind of reasoning that leaves me scratching my head about those who profess unquestioning belief in the Bible.
  • This is a good and common question. Let's let the Bible speak and see its reasonable answer. Genesis 5:3, 4 tells us that Adam had "sons and daughters." Let's recall that he was created without defect and that he had no defective genes to pass on. About 2000 years later, faithful Abram (Abraham) married his half sister Sarai (Sarah)(Genesis 20, especially verse 12). About 500 years later, the human condition had become such that when God gave his law to Israel he forbade many close relations, including near cousins and siblings from marrying. The point is that, for good reason, incest has become an abhorrent thing to us as a protection to society. In the beginning, it was not so. Among perfect and nealy perfect humans, incest as we think of it would not exist. Consider the fact that Eve was the very flesh of Adam, a virtual clone-Genesis 2:21-23. Romans 5:12 and Acts 17:26 make it clear that there are no phantom "other" unnamed people not descended from the first human pair. The end of verse 26 "he decreed the set limits of the dwelling of men" may indicate his authority to allow or prohibit certain human relationships. Knowing that we are all one human family can motivate us to love one another and to reject racial or ethnic prejudice.
  • Yes, it was necessary initially to marry brothers and sisters. But DNA was much purer and freer of problems. It was only later that these developed. However, I must add that this abhorrence of "being related" is very modern and western. Up till very recent times, it was quite common for people marrying to be related to some degree or other, as communities were smaller and choices fewer. If you trace any family tree, you will come across many first cousin marriages. Unless you have hereditary syndromes such as Cystic Fibrosis, it isn't as much of a problem as people in developed nations think. All British lines cross in the 12th century (I have found one definite and several probables for my parents), and two of my closest friends appear to be related to me around that time too. All Europeans are descended from Charlemagne King of the Franks (Mathematician Jack Lee has shown how this works in his article "Everyone is Descended from Charlemagne) who died in 814 AD. Many Europeans have bloodlines in common with Queen Philippa of Hainault (wife of Edward III of England), whose ancestry goes back through Byzantium, Armenia, Georgia, Central Asia to China and North India in the 4th century AD. I am one of them. 8% of Asian men and .05% of all men on this earth descend from Genghis Khan (d 1227) and all Jewish people of surname Cohen are descended from one ancestor, presumaby Levi, the first High Priest of Israel. These are all proven by DNA. As for brother-sister marriage: one book I have in my possession says, discussing the identity of the historical personage with the most intra-familial marriages: "Forst de Battaglia thought that the record lay with Antiochus X Eusebius, King of Syria, who died in 92 BC and who as a result of brother-sister marriages had only 24 ancestors where any normal person would have had 256 and where even Alphonso XIII had 51. It seems to me, however, that these figures could be bettered as the result of both-sister and uncle-niece marriages amongst the ancestors of Queen Cleopatra Berenice of Egypt. She was the wife and step-mother of Ptolemy XI, the last legitimate male of the dynasty, until he murdered her nineteen days after their wedding." The Incas of Peru, the Hawaiian royal family...many of the Hindu royals of the past, actually preferred brother sister marriages, which they saw as keeping the bloodline of the gods intact. It might seem strange, even appalling to us, but not to them. However, for Jews and Christians, we know that God, in His wisdom, said "No more brother-sister marriages" after a certain period in history (after Abraham, whose wife, Sarah was his half-sister) presumably because He knew the dangers of a too closely related bloodline, even if we did not.
  • Wasn't it in the tv news recently a brother and sister in Germany had children by each other and were fighting the authorities to allow them to get legally married? Did anyone follow up that story? Was it true or just made up? There was no follow up on genetic disorders in the children, but must be confusing when mum is also aunt and dad is also uncle.
  • Exactly. That's why it is an allegory, not a historical document. I don't mind the downrates I'll get, it's just that I do not agree with a strict interpretation of the Bible. This is one great example of why.
  • Free Radical, i see that you are reading carefully. Thank you. After reading the Bible many times, i have never found the terms, 'genetically', 'DNA', 'microbes', 'nuclear' 'dinosaurs','species' or any of the countless modern scientific terms we use. This is not a smart-alec reponse, but an observation. The Bible is not a science text, but when it touches on scientific matters it is accurate. Deuteronomy 32:4, 5 show us that God's works are perfect. Applying specifically to a certain society, and by extension to all of us, it tells us that our defects are our own, linking this to 'acting ruinously'. Genesis 1:31 reveals that this perfect Creator saw his human creation as 'very good.' The Bible, written for men of all ages and nations, is not highly technical, making it both comprehensible and easily translatable. An Eskimo or Pygmy (both highly intelligent, but formerly untechnical peoples)can understand the concept of error begetting error, even if they don't understand genetics. I've learned to look at the Bible with a moderately critical eye and it has always met the challenge. Thanks for asking the question. Does this explanation sound reasonable?
  • cool runnins, thank you for asking the question. In a few words, no, that is not quite what i've been saying. The Bible is very powerful and written in such a way that the most common of people can grasp its message. Understanding it isn't a matter of great intelligence or great education. It is a matter of the heart. But to answer your question directly: Simply by reading the Bible with no help at all, you will discover some great and amazing things. Still, because it is such a big book and has some deep messages, one person alone almost certainly won't get the whole thing. The basics you can learn quickly and it will change your life for the better as you apply them. When you get stuck on something that doesn't quite seem to fit or is very symbolic, you do well to ask for help from someone(s) who know the Scriptures well. I gather with my friends several times a week and we carefully discuss various subjects. One great fact is that the Bible is self-interpreting. We can eliminate many possible (and mistaken) beliefs by taking all the scriptures together. To do this all by yourself will take more than a lifetime, so it pays to take advantage of the work of those who have gone before us. What really helped me was learning to separate human traditions from Bible teachings. The greatest helper is God. Pray to him and sincerely ask for guidance. I encourage you to ask questions and weigh the answers, using your own copy of the Bible. Happy hunting.
  • Whether you believe humans started by creation or by evolution, we get back to the same issue. Yes, at some point the species was propogated by closely related individuals. As for Adam and Eve as literal characters in a literally true story, they didn't exist.
  • shhhh. It's fits in because we say it fits! no really, later in the Bible it says that they had a bunch of children. I'm sure someone else will answer with a specific verse ;)
  • I'm more concerned with how my beliefs in loving my neighbor fit in with my actual behaviour...
  • I'm not an expert, but here's my take on it: The Bible tells us about two sons - it doesn't say that they were celibate forever after that. In a roundabout way, siblings did have to have mated...but probably not mother and son or daughter and father. **edit** Also, though, if you think about how Eve was created from the rib from Adam...Adam sort of had kids with himself. And that is a bit weird.
  • Gen. 5 vs 4, Adam and Eve had many children. And the laws of incest had their origin only at the time of Moses. (Lev. 18-20) Gen. 5 vs 5 states Adam lived 930 yrs!
  • Anonymous referenced the following verse in his answer, but Gonzo apparently couldn't be bothered to look it up. So, let me just give it here. "And the days of Adam after he had begotten Seth were eight hundred years: and he begat sons and daughters:" (Genesis 5:4) Only three of Adam and Eve's children are actually named in the Bible (Cain, Able, and Seth). However, as you can see, the Bible indicates that they actually had an unspecified number of other children including both sons and daughters. Seeing as the Bible also tells us that Adam lived to be 930 years of age, there is the potential for them to have produced a whole lot of children. (There is no indication as to how long either of them were able to actually produce children, but if their periods of fertility were proportional to their life spans, the that would represent several centuries worth of children.)
  • Ding ding ding!!! Yet another way that some parts of the Bible make absolutely no sense.
  • Yep - folks like Answers in Genesis will tell you that sisters shagged brothers, sons may have shagged mom and so on but it was all okay then because our genes were so nice and near-perfect. The mental contortions one must go through eh?
  • From what I understand.. God waited to tell people that they couldn't marry their siblings until Moses, so before that, there was nothing to say people couldn't. I'm guessing he allowed it at first because it was the only way to start populating the earth.
  • The Bible says they were the first, I don't believe it specifically says they were the only people God created. There is actually some (controversial) mention in one of the excluded parts of the Bible that indicates Eve wasn't the first woman... I believe the name of the other was Lillith. I don't have time to research it right now, but you might find it interesting.
  • Choice. Back then they didn't have one; we do.
  • doodle, The Book of Genesis is a religious allegory, not a history or a scientic treatise. 'Adam' means Mankind. And the "Garden of Eden" is the Earth itself, primarily the Middle East, where western civilization began, some six thousand years ago. It is an attempt to explain mankind's relationship to God, to his fellow man, and to the Earth. A large subject. It is a combination of ancient Sumerian and Babylonian stories with a little "twist" added by the old Hebrews. It was not expected to be taken as "literal" truth, even by the writers. And there were many writers.
  • Now!.. I don't believe any of this. Well..not the way there telling it. I don't believe it happened anything like that. It doesn't make any sense. I believe in God or (Father) because of personal experiences not because of the bible. Riddle me this...We have proof of dinosaurs , we have the actual bones. We have proof of prehistoric man and women and the bone structure not like our own. We can assume that dinosaurs dominated man. This being said and known, were "Adem and Eve" cave man and cave women lol! I mean if they TRULY were the first man and women they would have had to been prehistoric man as we know it. We know that dinosaurs were alive for thousands of years before humans. was not the first on earth? hmm... I little note on Noah's ark. If this was only a few thousand years after Adam and Eve or even tens of thousands of years after, there telling me that a prehistoric man built an ark lol! and put 2 of every animal on the ark. Remmember people , these were prehistoric times THERE WERE DIONASURES. So..Noah put 2 of ever dinosaur on this big ark as big as 4 of our citys lol ok PLEASE. I'm surprised people are so nieave. There taught about history and science and dinosaurs in school and at the same time there tought the bible. Its like there telling you a lie and then putting the truth right in front of you lol!
  • A comment on the insest qwestion. If this were true and God did forbid them to mate with eachother, how did he expect them to populate the earth? hmm...Im sure God is smarter then any of us and Im sure he did the math.
  • A comment on the insest qwestion. If this were true and God did forbid them to mate with eachother, how did he expect them to populate the earth? hmm...Im sure God is smarter then any of us and Im sure he did the math.
  • I never take the bible literally. It's the morals from those stories that you should concentrate on.
  • I suppose it's supposed to be a "leap of faith" quite literally. No one ever pauses to think about that part. Someone once told me that faith is defined as "the emptiness of not knowing and the fulfillment of not needing to know".... that always stuck with me :)
  • Why can't people use the search feature before asking a question for the umpteenth time?
  • because people oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh -0
  • If you look at the Family tree from Adam, on the family tree they only Listed Men, bit sexist thought
  • Personally, I'm not as confused about Adam and Eve and their children all having raunchy family sex as I am about Noah and his family. Noah, his wife, his three sons, and their three wives, were the only eight humans on earth to survive the great flood. Right? Therefore, all our DNA should trace back to Noah but it does not do that. Human DNA traces back to a female who lived 1.75 million years ago in central Africa. We actually have her remains. Somebody could maybe post the scriptures on that.
  • 1) "Shortly after their expulsion, Eve brought forth her first-born child, and thereafter their second — Cain and Abel, respectively. After Cain killed Abel, and was cursed to wander, Adam and Eve conceived a third child named Seth, who, with Cain, gave rise to the two family lines of the Generations of Adam. According to the Bible, Adam finally died at the age of 930 years, the traditional Jewish view being that he and Eve are currently buried in the Cave of Machpelah, in Hebron." Source and further information: 2) "The Life of Adam and Eve, also known, in its Greek version, as the Apocalypse of Moses, is a Jewish pseudepigraphical group of writings. It recounts the lives of Adam and Eve from after their expulsion from the Garden of Eden to their deaths. It provides more detail about the Fall of Man, including Eve's version of the story. Satan explains that he rebelled when God commanded him to worship Adam. After Adam dies, he and all his descendants are promised a resurrection." According to this text: "Adam begets 30 other sons and 30 daughters." Source and further information: 3) I found an interesting explanation here: "Where did Cain get his wife? (Gen. 4:17) - "Then Cain went out from the presence of the Lord, and settled in the land of Nod, east of Eden. 17And Cain had relations with his wife and she conceived, and gave birth to Enoch; and he built a city, and called the name of the city Enoch, after the name of his son," (NASB). We see in the Bible in Genesis 3 where Adam and Eve were cursed and sent out of the Garden of Eden. In Genesis 4, Cain kills Abel. In Genesis 4:17 above we see that Cain had relations with his wife. Where did he get his wife? The answer is simple. Cain married one of his sisters. Genesis 5:4 says, "Then the days of Adam after he became the father of Seth were eight hundred years, and he had other sons and daughters." We see that Adam and Eve had many sons and daughters. The genetic lineage of Adam and Eve was perfect so marrying a sister wasn't going to cause birth defects. It wasn't until much later, during the time of Moses, that incest was forbidden as the genetic pool became less and less able to stand interbreeding. "‘No one is to approach any close relative to have sexual relations. I am the LORD," (Lev. 18:6)." Source and further information: 4) A similar situation happens after the Deluge. In the Ark were Noah, his wife, their three sons and their respective wifes (and some animals...). This means that Noah's grandchildren could only marry their cousins (or aunt/uncle). Remember also that Eve was made of one of Adam's ribs. So it was some kind of clone... Sex with your clone is considered incest... 5) "Mitochondrial Eve (mt-mrca) is the name given by researchers to the woman who is defined as the matrilineal most recent common ancestor (MRCA) for all currently living humans. Passed down from mother to offspring, her mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is now found in all living humans: every mtDNA in every living person is derived from hers. Mitochondrial Eve is the female counterpart of Y-chromosomal Adam, the patrilineal most recent common ancestor, although they lived at different times. She is believed to have lived about 140,000 years ago in what is now Ethiopia, Kenya or Tanzania.[citation needed] The time she lived is calculated based on the molecular clock technique of correlating elapsed time with observed genetic drift. Mitochondrial Eve is the MRCA of all humans via the mitochondrial DNA pathway, not the unqualified MRCA of all humanity. All living humans can trace their ancestry back to the MRCA via at least one of their parents, but Mitochondrial Eve is defined via the maternal line. Therefore, she necessarily lived at least as long, though likely much longer, ago than the MRCA of all humanity. The existence of Mitochondrial Eve and Y-chromosomal Adam does not imply the existence of population bottlenecks or a first couple. They each may have lived within a large human population at a different time." Source and further information: Further information:
  • Actually, if you read the book of Enoch (sp?) Eve was Adam's second wife.... Lilith was his first wife.
  • I heard several years ago some DNA people traced about a hundred widly seperated people from around the world. They found all traced back to a single woman about 6000 years ago. Could this woman possibly be Eve? It is hard to say. but it does roughly coincide with the Creation Theories that the earth we have today was "re-created" with what is known as the "Gap theory". If you wish to take the Adam and Eve story from the Bible then yes, we are all distant results of incest. There is much to be said on this theory, but incest even today does not always result in birth defects especially in the first generation. Defects of close incest start showing up in the third and fourth generations relative few show up in first or second generations. Also the blood was more pure with Adam and Eve and their imediate children
  • I have always wondered that, too. I'm sorry, I'm not a Bible scholar, so I don't have an answer. Let me know what you find out.
  • What about Seth, the forgotten one..He is the one who started the blood line of Noah...
  • We can't be sure. The Bible only states that Adam and Eve were created; it doesn't specify that they were the first and we know they weren't the only (Nod).
  • Cain and Abel were Eve's first children. not necessarily her only. . i don't know if that's how the story actually goes, but that's what makes sense.
  • The bible works best if you don't think too much about the details and don't ask questions. Just sing as loud as you can and keep sending $$ to your favorite preachers. "AAAaaa-Mennnn!" :-)
  • They must have slept with Lilith or some children from her and Adam!
  • If it was the case that Adam and Ever were the only two on earth at the time,and were unmarried.They had Cain and Abel.Thus since there was only one woman Eve would be the only one that could procreate with Cain and Abel.There is no mention of any other women at that time thus they would have to have slept with Eve to have another generation of offspring.
  • Apparently, there were more who God created after Adam and Eve, but they are not mentioned directly, only referenced as ancestors of those who appear later in the Bible. But of course, the entire story is really a vision. It's accuracy lies in the metaphor, not the literal text.
  • What Is the Bible’s View? Where Did Cain Get His Wife? “I HAVE been in the army nearly eight years and have asked many chaplains that question. None could answer it!” So explained a young Danish man to a visiting minister of Jehovah’s witnesses. Why is this such a difficult question for many persons, including even clergymen? To understand why, consider the way in which this question is often asked: ‘The Bible says that Adam and Eve had two sons, Cain and Abel. Cain killed his brother and went to another land where he took himself a wife and raised a family. If Adam and Eve were the only humans created by God, where did Cain get his wife?’ In framing the question in this way, it is evident that questioners think that Adam and Eve must not have originally been the only humans. So, they reason, Cain evidently obtained his wife from other peoples living on earth. However, this view is not in harmony with the Bible, which says: “Adam called his wife’s name Eve, because she had to become the mother of everyone living.”—Gen. 3:20. Many others, however, do not believe the Bible account of creation to be historical. Such worldly critics may, therefore, dismiss the question regarding where Cain got his wife as unworthy of consideration. They do not believe that Adam and Eve or their son Cain ever really existed. Well, then, is the question regarding Cain and his wife a legitimate one? Do we have sound reason for believing that he and his parents really existed, and that the entire human family actually sprang from one common source, Adam and Eve? Yes, this Bible view is in keeping with the evidence. Modern-day scientists have, in fact, indicated this. For example, in the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization’s Third Statement on Race, twenty-two experts say: “Mankind is one . . . all men belong to the same species, Homo sapiens. . . . all men are probably derived from the same common stock.” Also, Professor Ruth Benedict and Dr. Gene Weltfish observe in the publication The Races of Mankind: “The Bible story of Adam and Eve, father and mother of the whole human race, told centuries ago the same truth that science has shown today: that all the peoples of the earth are a single family and have a common origin.” Well, then, since this is the case, Where did Cain get his wife? Is there a logical Bible answer? Yes, there is. It is pointed to in the very instructions given to Adam and Eve shortly after their creation, namely: “Be fruitful and become many and fill the earth and subdue it.”—Gen. 1:28. Obedience to this command would require that Adam and Eve have children. Then these children, in turn, would marry and bear children. This process of reproduction by succeeding generations would need to continue in order to fill the earth in harmony with God’s purpose. However, before Eve was pregnant with her first child Cain, both Adam and his wife sinned by disobeying God and were driven outside the garden of Eden. (Gen. 3:1-19) Where would Adam and Eve now live? The Bible tells us: “With that Jehovah God put [Adam] out of the garden of Eden to cultivate the ground from which he had been taken. And so he drove the man out and posted at the east of the garden of Eden the cherubs and the flaming blade of a sword that was turning itself continually to guard the way to the tree of life.”—Gen. 3:23, 24. From this it can be seen that Adam apparently went out to the east of the garden of Eden. It was here that, not only Cain and Abel were born, but the Bible also later mentions by name a third son, Seth. However, notice that Adam and Eve had other children as well. For Genesis 5:4 says: “And the days of Adam after his fathering Seth came to be eight hundred years. Meanwhile he became father to sons and daughters.” This meant that Cain and Abel had sisters, and possibly other brothers not listed by name. These grew up together as earth’s original family. Time passed. Finally, following the offering of sacrifices to God by two of the sons, Cain became jealous of Abel because God showed favor toward Abel and his sacrifice, but not toward Cain and his sacrifice. Cain allowed hatred to develop toward Abel and he murdered him.—Gen. 4:1-8; 1 John 3:10-12. For this wicked deed God sentenced Cain to banishment, away from the rest of his relatives. The Bible says: “Cain went away from the face of Jehovah and took up residence in the land of Fugitiveness [called “the land of Nod” in some Bible translations] to the east of Eden.”—Gen. 4:9-16. However, notice here that the Bible does not say that Cain found his wife in the land of Fugitiveness. It simply says: “Afterward Cain had intercourse with his wife and she became pregnant and gave birth to Enoch.”—Gen. 4:17. Where, then, did Cain get his wife? It was obviously from among his own family. His wife was one of his fleshly sisters, a daughter of Adam and Eve. Cain was likely married at the time he killed Abel, or shortly thereafter took one of his sisters as a wife. They then traveled together to the land of Fugitiveness, where they took up residence and started their own family. “But such a union is incest!” some may object. This objection reflects knowledge of the risk to children when brothers and sisters marry in our day. These are frequently born with some physical deformity or mental incapacity. Thus most lands today have laws forbidding marriage between close fleshly relatives. It must be remembered, however, that circumstances were different in earlier times. Adam and Eve were created perfect, and the instruction for them ‘to multiply and fill the earth’ would necessarily require that their offspring marry one another and reproduce. (Gen. 1:28) But as perfect humans, their children would have been perfect as were their parents. Even though Adam and Eve sinned and became imperfect, Cain and his brothers and sisters were still so near to physical perfection that the children they produced did not suffer the same adverse effects as do children born of such unions today. Even some 2,000 years afterward, God’s faithful servant Abraham married his half-sister Sarah, and God did not disapprove. (Gen. 20:12) It was yet another 450 years or so before God saw fit to provide his nation of Israel a body of laws that forbade incest on penalty of death. (Lev. 18:8-17) By that time imperfection had apparently developed to such an extent that no longer was it safe for close relatives to marry. So, really, the question of where Cain got his wife is not a difficult one. The answer is provided right within the Bible, and it becomes obvious when the Bible account is read carefully.
  • i think the breakdown of the biblical family tree is in the book of Numbers somewheres...
  • Able was killed by Cain. No progeny. The world population comes from the Sons of Adam and Eve marrying their Daughters. Genesis 5:3-4 3 And Adam lived an hundred and thirty years, and begat a son in his own alikeness, after his image; and called his name Seth: 4 And the days of aAdam after he had begotten Seth were eight hundred years: and he begat sons and daughters:
  • They shagged their sisters (and possibly their mum too). That's pretty-much it.
  • Adam and Eve had other sons and daughters (Genesis 5:4). Obviously Cain's wife (Genesis 4:17) was one of his sisters.
  • Not all christians believe this story is me. The bible had to start somewhere and this is the beginning.....
  • The Bible written by man inspired by God is not a history book of every single event that happened. Only chosen stories of the time. Just because it does not say it does not mean it did not happen. Example: How many different fruit trees are there and how many is mentioned in the Bible. God made man. It does not say God made only Adam and only Eve. They were written about to show a point of importance.
  • In Genesis 6:1-4, the Bible states that humans reproduced with "Nephilim," which are never actually described, however it is made clear that the Nephilim are not human (and that the descendants of the human/Nephilim matings were greater than human also -- for example, Goliath). Whether one takes a "Chariot of the Gods" view that the Nephilim were aliens who lived among humanity and the Genesis story an allegory for this, or a more orthodox view that the Nephilim were demons or angels of some sort (the books of Enoch and Jubilee make it quite clear that the Nephilim are in fact fallen angels), it remains that Adam and Eve and their children would not have been the only sentient creatures on the Earth. It doesn't require incest, then, for humanity to propagate itself. Of course as an atheist, the answer I prefer is that Genesis was written by a bunch of Bronze Age barbarians sitting around a campfire, and they were more interested in picking at their lice and finding things moving slowly enough to catch and eat than spending their time closing plot-holes in their fairy tales.
  • Eve, perhaps? :)
  • It's very simply, all the other gods had already created people. The reason why god had to create Eden, along with Adam and Eve, is because like the reindeer and Rudolph the other gods would not let god play with their creation. Apparently god is a very poor creator as both of his creations abandoned him, as soon as their eyes were opened to the truth of the matter (basically god wanted slaves to obey without question his wishes), so not only did god's angels rebel, even his human creations also left him for knowledge and to join the rest of humanity, which explains how Cain could find a wife in a neighboring land.
  • simple answer: the Bible is bullshit- you're still trying to cling to obviously false beliefs drilled into you from childhood indoctrination
  • incest was a have to all the way to Abraham ...and more ..SArah was his half sister,same father,different moms..this was still a thing so to speak of still marrying their own kind....even though Abraham's father was heathen.....all through to Moses and the civilizing of Israel....the incest laws were then in was no longer was a rampant practice among not only the Godly (how else was Christ coming down? from Seth to David?)but the heathen in BEginning...but God stopped this with Levitical Laws and Civilizing Laws!!!!! same as with Mary and other sons, the Bible does not elaborate on IF there were more..but as u say there had to of been ,but at both these really was not PERINENT.....only Seth , which was to be the DAVIDIC,MESSIANIC LINEAGE!!!! (the seed plot of Gen.3) so, yes , they had daughters, as Mary did , it is thought to be at least 2...there is no reason to of mentioned ,at this time ,only Seth mattered and the "womans seed" of Genesis did not matter til Mary...she brought in the Messiah and she was of the Davidic Line= its there...but God meant what HE said..and it would not be any other WAY..belive what HE said in Genesis 3 ..or keep arguing ...the Tribe of Judah which she was of and so was Joseph, BUT 1 of Joseph lineage lost the birthright and could never have the lineage of the KING....but God did not intend that GEn..said the "seed of woman" will crush satan's head...amen:)
  • they had more than two children. but incest did occur ^_^
  • and actually, even if they had no other children(which they did) God still could of made The Plan HE did anyways.....with God ,"ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE"...Literally..:)Justme there was incest all the way to Moses (the way it was, and had to be)and the Laws of "civilizing" and "spiritualizing" the Chosen..then this was made WRONG...did not need it to bring in the Descendants anymore..there were enough to go from there..;)HE"S AWESOME ,huh?
  • if that it true, which it is not, then the boys, cain and able, had sex with their sisters. but aside from that, we are all prodcustc of incest anyway, since it's been part of our human nature for millennia.
  • The Bible has some great stories in it, but they aren't all true. The stories that aren't true still have some wisdom in them that helps explain who God is, what God does, who we are, and what we do.
  • Cain and Able.......had sex with two gal's they met at an Ozzy concert......hahaha.......
  • Are you trying to imply we're all a bunch of hicks? My Great Uncle Granddaddy wouldn't like that none!
  • According to me,Adam and Eve represents the entire human race that had been created by the god.these two were not the only human beings that god had created.there would have some others they became many and so on...

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