• McCain wants to do something as historic as Obama is doing. The USA will end up with either the first part-African American president or the first female VP.
  • McCain chose Palin solely because she is a woman, not for her credentials. Or in this case, a lack thereof. Republicans attempted to do the same thing in the Supreme Court by nominating Harriet Miers to replace former Justice O'Connor - a woefully under-qualified choice - but the party has a lot more to gain with a woman VP choice (or so they think). This move is clearly an effort to get disgruntled Hillary supporters and undecideds who feel "safer" voting for a woman VP than a black President. I don't know why Republicans refuse to accept this, but it's comically hypocritical when they say "well she's governor of Alaska, that makes her qualified" when in the same breath they criticized Tim Kaine (Governor of Virginia) for being inexperienced because he is "only a Governor of such a small state (Virginia)."
  • Yes, she talks smack about the oil companies that her husband [-takes] took home a six figure income from for the past several years (they should dump his @ss for that alone.) She says she took on the Good Ole Boy Network when she was the ORIGINAL WASILLA GOOD OLE BOY, this is the absolute TRUTH! She says she said NO to Bridge to Nowhere when she was actually told NO, you can’t have it!

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