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  • Sounds like he wants his cake and eat it too. I am divorced because of an affair my x-wife had. I would rather walk over hot coals than go through that again. If he truly loves you, then he will cut off ALL ties to his x-girlfriend. If he can't then I would seriously consider re-evaluating your relationship with him.
  • There is a difference between love and having feeling for someone. Love is a reciprical thing and unless its returned in kind, I dont believe its love. Your feelings may be true but you need to find the meaning from him of what "i have feelings for you " means to him. This may end up with you ending this relationship.
  • If he has feelings for his ex, then that means he has none for you, it's time to pick up what's left of your pride and self respect and move on. - Yes that seems to be the trend.
  • It depends on the type of feelings they are. But I say forget about him, if he's not over his ex his ex will always be in the way of your relationship and he will always be compairing you to her and so on.......Do yourself a favor and kick him to the curb, and find someone that will love you and only you!
  • I have been there already, if he still has feelings for her then he is NOT over her. For the simple fact that you know he has felings shows that maybe its too soon for him to even start a relationship with anyone! There's nothing worse than being someone's REBOUND!
  • NOT WILLING TO RESCUE OR DRY HIM OFF! He has openly admitted (after dating him non-sexually for 3+ months) that he still has feelings for AND cares for his ex. I explained to him his two feet in different boats will eventually land him ass first in the water. (and I am not into rescue) A year ago, we had just begun to date and he ran back to her when his ex called. She took advantage of him, and has kicked him to the curb- again. What am I doing- thinking a 'bruised up, heart broken man' is ready to love me- the way I deserve. I'm so thankful I caught myself before this thing goes any further. I'm not a kid and still I almost let my heart take control of my mind!
  • I'm in the same situation. You could choose to wait it out...and once he's over her, you'd be too angry to take him no win situation, but most people choose to see how it ends up...
  • same happen to me he left me cuz of her thou =[ x
  • Leave him alone until he figures out what he wants. Date other people and forget about him. If it is meant to be, then you will end up together. Nothing is worse than feeling like you're second best.
  • I am going through the same thing right now and I ended the relationship but we are still sort of dating. His ex and him will never get back together in this case but it still hurts to hear that he loves me and her too, but they were engaged and together for 5 1/2 years. I think its best to let him go and let him have time to heal because you deserve more than someone who is emotionally unavailable. It is easier said than done though. I am living proof of it.
  • I would suggest you leave him be until he decides on who he wants to be with. He will always have SOME feelings for his ex, but "running back to her" should NOT be something he does if he's in another relationship. As much as you want to be with him, leave him alone until he's made up his mind. Good luck. ;-)
  • Move on, move on!!! Forget, forget, forget!!! - this is an abusive relationship. IF HE REALLY LOVES YOU AND WANTS TO FORGET HIS EX HE WOULD NOT EVEN DARE TELL YOU ABOUT HER, BECAUSE HE KNOWS THAT THIS WILL PUT YOU OFF!!! Break up and show him you have the guts to move on. Gain your pride. Do you really love him or is it just frustration that because he likes his ex, you want him all for you at all costs? WRONG! This is not love... Believe me, you will thank me for this advice. I have been there several times. Good luck! Say it is 'mea culpa' for not getting out of it sooner and move on x x
  • I agree with everyone in her. it is best to let him go to figure out what he wants. you dont want to be his rebound and chances are good he got involved with someone before he was really ready. yeah he loves you both and that very well may be but he is still holding a candle for someone else. let yours burn out for him you need someone who will love you and you only.
  • i thnk u should also hava a boyfriend and tell him about ur new b'frnd.and notice his response.u will come to knoe whether he really loves u?{if he get worried}
  • i am in tha same position right now. idk what 2 do. he told her he still had madd feelings 4 her. He didn't tell me. i know he loves me though, they have a child 2gether. what should i do?
  • i have the same problem his ex moved away so it wasnt a bad breakup but his whole family and him included thought they would get married and everything he still has feelings for here but says theyare only friends and loves me i dont know i want to give him a chance since this is a fairly new relationship....i asked him if she were to move back would he leave me and he said honestly he might so i dont know this seems like i am playing a waiting game and dont know what to do....
  • Suspend the relationship until he makes up his mind.
  • Sounds to me like the boyfriend has the MOST feelings for himself! Bite the bullet. Cut it off. Cry for awhile. Get over it by meeting someone who only has feelings for YOU.
  • It's time to cut him loose. He wasnt ready for the relationship with you. He jumped out of one relationship into yours not allowing him to feel the pain of losing te ex. Thats called baggage. I'd drop the baggage off at the curb and say goodbye.
  • The right direction is the one that points away from him.
  • Feelings Nothing more than feelings Trying to forget my Feelings of love
  • im in exactly the same situation. i told him we needed to take a break just so he could think about who he really wants. although it hurts like hell.. it's better than him coming to me in a few months with 'i love her. its over, sorry.' i hope things work out for you.
  • OK, let us take this apart a bit. You love him but he has feelings for his ex. He has got to come to terms about those feelings. He has got to get closure before he can start building a lasting relationship with you. Otherwise you just might end up being his next ex. So, give him about two weeks to be alone and find closure. Reassure him that you will be waiting for him when he has found closure.
  • I'm in the same situation. He admitted he still has feelings for his ex. She wasn't really his ex. She never took him as her boyfriend. But he was, or is, really into her. She's a younger than him. And he is a Lolicon. He said he still has feelings for her but he knows she only wants clothes, necklace...from him. What am I supposed to feel about this? Does that mean he's still in love with her? If this is true, I don't want to be the second fiddle. Actually I'm not that fond of the idea of having a boyfriend. I enjoy single life a lot. But, he's the first one that I feel, nothing. Great talk. Personalities fit...Thinking that being just friends might be good, too. Oh, I don't know...

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