• You don't need to feed your dog steak to 'buff her up'. Right now, she is a pre-pubescent female, about ready to go into her first heat. So most of her food energy is going into internal development and preparing for sexual maturation. Any high quality dog food will provide her with all the nutrients and energy she needs to go through this phase -- by high quality, I mean like Royal Canin, Hills or Waltham, not supermarket brands. Dogs' nutritional needs are very distinct from humans, or even cats, and these foods are formulated especially to meet those needs. If she has good nutrition specifically for dogs right now, and enough exercise, she will 'buff up' on her own.
  • You cannot make your Pit Bull bigger or "buff" by doing anything. It is a complete myth that you can do this. People try doing barbaric things to their poor Pit Bulls like walking them with HUGE chains around thier necks that bang into their legs, it won't do anything for the dog except hurt it. You can condition your dog and keep her lean so that her muscles are more pronounced and the best way to do that is to not over feed her and make sure she gets lots of excercise, get her to jump for things and pull on toys, etc. play with her. She will also fill out as she gets older especially after her 2nd heat (wait until atleast her 3rd heat to breed her so she will reach her maximum potential, if you breed her on her 2nd or before you may stunt her growth). Unfortunately you cannot make her any bigger than genetics allow, if her sire was average and her dam was average then your dog will be average. If her sire was massive and her dam was massive then she will be massive. If one of her parents were impresive and the other wasn't then you could end up with anything from the worst of the two parents to the best. That is why it is so important to research pedigree and meet the parents of your potential pup before considering buying a pup, it is the only way to make sure you are getting what you want. I don't recommend that you feed your dog random things as that will cause her stomach upsets and she'll feel bad and you will get frustrated that she is bathrooming in the house. Trust me I raw feed my dogs now, but before I did I was nervous that I didn't know what to feed them so I was feeding Raw and Dry food... lets just say that all I did, until I got frustrated and went solely to Raw, was clean up after my dogs... Not fun! If you are interested in feeding Raw I suggest you check out the Yahoo goup Raw Lite. But its not going to make her any bigger, if you switch her to raw do it because you want to.
  • Yo you already have a buff dog 'it is in the breed'. I agree with last answer as far as not abusing your wonderful pitbull with dumb myths to make them more muscular. overfeeding them is bad for their health and under feeding is abuse nor random foods as last writer stated. Nutro is a little expensive but is Lamb and rice But don't go by the feeding amount on bag they are trying to sell as much dog food as they can. Ask your vet. More protein will give her more energy so if you plan to play and exercise her appropriately she will look beautiful and feel it.
  • I am a body builder and also a pitbull breeder. I know from experience that having a dog with a muscular physique is the same as in humans. It comes down to three factors: genetics,diet, and exercise. Of these, genetics is by far the most important factor. Like people, dogs have pre-determined body types and limits as to how big they can get. In humans, there are three body types: Ectomorph, Mesomorph, and Endomorph. Ectomorphs are naturally thin people with small muscles. It takes much longer for them to gain muscle and they will never get that big. They also burn fat easily. Think of the skinny kid who can eat as much as he wants of whatever he wants yet never gains a single pound. In body building these people are known as "hard gainers. The Mesomorph has a naturally athletic, muscular body and gains muscle very easily. This is the guy who looks great despite having never worked out in his life. Most successful body builders are mesomorphs. Endomorphs are naturally fat with underdeveloped muscles. They gain weight really easily. A lot of people are somewhere in between those categories. Having superior genetics is vastly important in making great muscle gains. Most people would never be able to attain the body of say Arnold Schwarzenegger or Ronnie Coleman or other top body builders even if they followed the same diet, exercise routine, and yes even used steroids. That doesn't mean they shouldn't work their hardest to attain the best physique they can. I dont know if dogs also have those strict body types, but I do know that genetics play a huge part in a dog's level of muscularity. The biggest dogs are from bloodlines that have been developed with that goal in mind. A pitbull that is naturally 55 lbs will never get up to 95 lbs. On the other side of that, a pitbull with strong genetics will maintain a lot of muscle no matter how inferior their diet is or how little exercise they get. Diet is the next most important factor, for people and for dogs. Taking in the right nutrients and in the right amounts is key. Eating good, even without exercise can make you lose weight and even put on a little muscle. Especially if you are used to eating poorly. Diet is actually more important than exercise because like i said, you can improve your body through diet alone, but if you just workout without eating properly, you will not see any real changes, unless you are talking about some rediculously intense cardio program. When you work out, the goal is to subject your muscles to more stress than they have ever felt before. Your body responds to this by making microscopic tears in the muscle in a process called Catabolism and then building them back up bigger and therefore stronger in a process called Anabolism. In order for your muscles to build up bigger, you need to provide your body with enough protein, carbs, and calories. Otherwise you are breaking down muscle without building it back up which will make the muscles smaller and cause you to lose weight rather than gain. I learned this the hard way when i first started working out at 15 years old. Lastly comes exercise. The only way to build bigger muscles is to lift heavy weight. Plain and simple. Running or walking, whether we are talking about a dog or a person, will cause them to lose fat which exposes more muscle, but it wont really build any, except maybe buidling up your legs a little if you are not used to running. So what do I suggest? As for diet, protein is the most important factor. Protein is what muscles are made of and what builds them. Plenty of protein should be taken in every meal. Also, complex carbohydrates are what provide energy for workouts and also are a source of the calories needed to feed muscles.Unlike simple (sugary) carbs which if not used immediatly are stored as fat, complex carbs take long to break down and provide a steady amount of energy. Look for dog foods with real meat as the first ingredient and a high crude protein level. Organic dog foods that contain complex carbs like brown rice, whole oats, potatoes, and vegetables are the best. Most pet store foods are very inferior in quality.I feed my dogs two brands: Blue Buffalo and Timberwolf Organics. Also, the amount and times which you feed are important. As a bodybuilder, I eat 6-8 times a day to speed up my metabolism and also constantly provide my muscles with the nutrients they need. Taking in protein right after a workout is key. And also right before bed time. An adult dog does not need to be fed that many times, but at least twice a day with maybe a healthy treat or real meat in between is good.You should also feed them right after a workout and give them protein right before bed. Switching to a better food will make most dogs gain a good amount of muscle in just a few weeks.I also take supplements, but i do stronly urge against giving supplements to a dog. Even though many websites will tell you they are perfectly safe, these products are not regualted by any authority and despite maybe increasing a dog's size, can lead to major health problems. As for exercise, there are different ways to work out your dog without harming him. The most important form of exercise is a walk. You should walk your dog at the very least one 45 minute walk everyday. I actually walk mine 3 times a day for about half an hour. But walking doesnt really make a dog gain muscle. That will come from resistance training. Not only will this contribute to a musuclar dog, but also a happy and balanced one. Pitbulls are high drive dogs. If they dont have positive ways to drain their energy, they will find negative ways to do it, such as chewing apart furniture or becoming aggressive. Working my dogs out keeps them satisfied. I have a sled where my dogs pull weights a couple times a week. This a great total body workout for a pitbull and really fulfills his intense drive. I also let them work on the spring pole (rope haning from a pole). This will develop their neck and jaw muscles. It is not dangerous to the dog and actually it is very good for them. They have strong jaws and want to be able to bite, hold on to, and pull something. If you dont give them a toy to do so, they might turn that on a person or animal. A dog with a job is the happiest dog you will ever see. Putting him on a schedule will make your dog feel like he has a purpose in life. Be careful when first introducing a dog to a workout regimen. Make sure you have the dog checked for any health problems first, that the dogs is old enough, and that you gradually introduce them to the exercise so as not to overwhelm them. If the dog is exhausted, stop immediatly. Sometimes pitbulls dont want to give up so you have to know when to call it off. And by the way, none of my dogs are used for fighting or any other illegal purposes. I am completly opposed to dog fighting. The American Pitbull terrier deserves so much more than that.

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