• "Oval white tablet imprinted 93 24 is 10 mg oxycodone extended release (generic OxyContin)." I am not a doctor nor do I claim to be one. DO NOT take this pill if you are unsure about what it is or if a doctor has not prescribed it for you.
  • Yes.That is Oxycodone 10MG Extended Release.What exactly ER means I do not know.I just took three of them and I am feeling nothing yet,maybe because I chewed a TUMS before so I wouldn't get nauseated.I'm thinking that's what the Extended Release means.It takes time to work probably.However,yes.What you have is indeed Oxycodone 10MG ER with 93 on one side and 24 on the other side.Here I am including an image so you can double check.Oval shaped and white.Correct.Hope that helps.In the future if you need help identifying anything feel free to email me.
  • this is oxycodone 10mg. i would know because i have a prescription. these pills are time released which means that it will slowly release the medication into your system, lasting for up to 12 hours instead of just 4-6. if you break or crush this pill first it will release all of the medication into your system at once only lasting for about 4 hours. doing so can be very dangerous.

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