• While I can't give you advice about how to find your brother, I will chip in anyway. It's important to bear in mind what HE might want. A lot of people who have been adopted don't want contact with their birth families. As far as they're concerned, their adoptive family is the only family they have. He might be settled, have a family of his own -- maybe he hasn't even told anyone he was adopted. So tread with caution, and put aside any attachment you have to a happy family reunion. Yes, it might happen, but don't push it and keep in mind even if you do find him, he mightn't be pleased. Good luck.
  • I believe there are websites that adoptees and their families register with....
  • I was put into foster care when i was 13...I have 6 siblings that were put into foster care we were all split up...I know where all of them are...but 1,My little brother Jeremiah.It's been 7-8 years.I dont know how to find him. they took him out of state...I have just about the same question brother knows he is adopted...but his adoptive parents cut all family contact...i just know they moved him out of i will keep looking for an answer for myself and keep you informed on what i find out. ~Sunshine
  • Ask your parents, grandparents, uncles etc if they know anything. Go to the office that your parents went. Ask if someone knows his date of birth or name. Just be careful you can never be sure if his new parents told him that he is adopted and if he wants to meet his sibling who grew up with his real parents.
  • I know quite a bit about adoption but only regarding adoptions in the UK but it may still be of help to you. You haven't mentioned yours or his current ages, in England you cannot legally search for an adopted person until after they are 18 years old and then you may have difficulty if they do not want to be found. good luck and I sincerely ho[pe that one day that both of you are reunited in a bubble of happiness.
  • I agree you have to ask everybody and anybody if they know something about him...As soon as you find out his name search online everything possible to do and you will end up finding him...good luck...keep us updated!!

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