• I'm bipolar. What would you like to know?
  • Okay, I have the symptoms but I tell myself that it's normal so what is normal and what isn't?
  • I also hold conversations with myself. I'll be myself and another person and hold a conversation that me and that person would have. I do that only when I'm alone.
  • Best of luck with that. I just hope you have good intentions.
  • No, it's evil inside my mind. I always think of evil things that I want to do. One night I watched my dad sleep with a knife in my hand because he made me mad.
  • I tried using the comment thread but I can't find the link to confirm the account in my e-mail. And it's pissing me off. But I'm 20. The first time when my parents thought something was wrong with me was when i flipped out over a doll but they didn't see the point i was trying to make because it was my doll. They held me on the ground for like 10 minutes then i went in my room and cried. I'm always crying about nothing and cry even harder because half the time i don't know why i'm crying. I tried to kill myself once but i guess i didn't take enough pills. I was disappointed when I woke up the next morning. I've had many time when i just slept with people and don't know why I've done it. I've had maybe over 50 sexual partners but there are times when i don't care about sex at all and sometimes when I crave it.
  • I have terrible spending habits. I maxed out my first credit card in a month but it only had a 2500 limit
  • I'm bipolar, what can I help you with?
  • hi--i have severe depression, ptsd, borderline pesonality and bi polar--i also have two kids with bi polar--so i have alot of experience with it.----some of the symptons can be severe mood swings-severe irritability,also what is called manic episodes--these can consist of not sleeping or eating for days at a time, feeling full of energy, grandiosity--which is when you thinkeverything is about you--you are just superwoman and think you can do anything--spending money,and increase in sexual activity---it can get so bad that you lose touch with reality--don't know whats real and what's not anymore---everyone is different so it varies on how long it lasts--the first time i was manic i didn't know it--i went to the police station cause i thought my son was coming to get me--needless to say they said i was under the influence--even though they never did an alcohol or drug test--just threw me in the drunk tank for 12 hr and treated me like an animal--if you haven't seen a dr you should mental illness is a very serious disease---and can be really scary at times---but don't be afraid to ask for help---if you need to talk my email is

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