• Why is this a problem?
  • Sounds like he wants to be a good father.
  • I would talk to the father and tell him this is unexceptable, to snaek and try to get the children to lie. I do however see no problem with wanting to spend as much time with his children as he can, I can think of no reason, that you shouldn't allow this. I hope for the children's sake, you will allow him see the children anytime he wants. It is a great thing that he does want to be there for them. :-)
  • So many custodial parents have to deal with the grief their children experience because their other parent just writes them off after the divorce. I'd handle this differently. I'd allow him to see the children all that he wants as long as he doesn't do it secretly. If he wants to take them to breakfast. Fine, just let me know. You should probably encourage him to visit them all that he can. It will make things smoother between you and him AND will be a blessing for your children.
  • It's called parenting, and he sneaks because he knows you would interfere. The visitation schedule is the minimum, not the maximum time. All Children Deserve Two Parents Georgia Supreme Court Chief Justice Leah Ward Sears has noted, children born to unmarried women and to those in cohabiting relationships “must often overcome increased risks of poverty, education failure, child abuse, delinquency, emotional distress and mental illness.”…….the lack of a father’s guidance in children’s lives is a major cause of their suffering. “Marriage is the best child welfare, crime prevention, anti-poverty program we have,” Fortune Magazine - Fatherless Families & Crime “Ominously, the most reliable predictor of crime is neither poverty nor race but growing up fatherless.” Stanford University - Divorce, Nontraditional Families, and Its Consequences For Children "We know that children of divorced parents have more emotional and behavioral problems and do less well in school than children who live with both their Parent."
  • I wonder if he's learned through hard experience that you would stop him from seeing them if you could. Maybe he's being secretive because he thinks he has to be. Tell him that you know about it anyway, and that you won't react badly if he's open and honest about his time with them. As long as you're getting your time, too, what possible harm can it be doing?
  • What a nuisance! He wants to spend time with his kids! He should be ashamed!!
  • He was given certain visitation times for a reason. If he wants extra time he should let you know so you don't have to worry that he is going to take them from school or the bus stop or something.
  • Lucky kids.

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