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  • When I was a young teen and started playing with myself I experimented with allot of different thing ei: a pillow, the couch arm, my parents vibrator just to mention a few. The way I liked it best was using my fingers. Well one day I inserted my finger in my vagina and just started pushing it in and out. As I did this it made me a little more aroused but could not have an orgasm that way. Well as time went on about a year or so I kept trying different things. Well I started massaging the inside again this time without pushing in and out. I could not believe the feeling I was rubbing just under my pubic bone and I got more and more aroused. The only thing was it felt like I needed to pee. I stopped and went to pee. When I started over doing the same thing it made me feel like peeing again but this time I didn’t care and just kept rubbing. Well the intense pleasure was unbelievable but I still felt like I had to pee. The next thing I exploded with the most intense orgasm I ever had and I was soooo wet like never before. Well as I got older and need to see a gynecologist and talked to her about it. She said the extra wetness is called a female ejaculation or squirting. I squirt all the time now I am 34. Saying all this you need to find the correct spot and by all means go slow and easy not to hurt her.

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