• Very good, if you are in good health. the only problem, i can see, is that you will be 65, when your child turns 21. At your age, are you prepared to take on the life of a new mother? 4 am feedings come awfully early!
  • 2nd answer: When you are ready for retirement or become sick, your child will be in the prime of its life. do you want to burden your child with your problems? There is a lot to think about, wanting to have a child at your age.
  • I'd say your chances are low. Why in the heck would you want to have a baby at 44???? Enjoy the rest of your life don't do it>
  • I know that the chances drop in the 40s. You may wish to consider timing and even checking with a doctor to consider fertility options. Concerning some of the other feedback: I think there can be many advantages to waiting (as more and more people do) - you are more stable, more mature, and likely better prepared financially than you would be at 20, 25 or other early age. You may be in a position to spend more time with a child at this stage of life. So I certainly don't want to discourage you. But since each cycle could be important at this age, you will want to research fertility and visit the doctor I think, so you can maximize your chances.
  • I thnk it depends on how happy you are, and for those who are critics of this..just think maybe you have lived and enjoyed your life and are now set and ready to have a child, or maybe you ahve finally met the one person you want to be with and have children. I think it is great when people wait to have children, it seems like there is more of a "traditional" family structure, and not so much split weekends and things like that which seem to occur having children young.
  • The chances are pretty low but why dont you just like, foster or adopt a baby to save yourself from future troubles or somthing that will damage your health in later years to come .
  • As women get older, there is an increase in the risks to their own health and the chances of the baby having birth defects. I suggest reading the entire article from the site mentioned below, its very informative. To sum it all up - the risk of the mother developing high blood pressure and/or diabetes during pregnancy doubles after age 35. A mother age 45 has a 1-in-30 chance of having a baby with downs sydrome, compared to a 1-in- 1,250 chance with a 25 year old mother. Also, older mothers have increased risks of premature babies, or babies with low birth weights, increased risk of placental problems, increased risk of ectopic pregnancies, and increased rates of labor difficulties (and for this reason, higher numbers of c-sections). I suggest you speak with your doctor. Have them evaluate your health, and discuss the possible outcomes of your pregnancy. There are increased risks, but the majority of women still have healthy babies. You just need to be educated and aware of the possible complications so that you can make an educated decision. And if you decide to go for it, make sure you see a doctor regularly during pregnancy to ensure the best possible outcome for your baby. go to: for more information
  • You must be having some doubts about having a child at 44 in order to have posted this question. Listen to what you really want inside...ignore those who might judge you. Listen to what would make sense. 4 a.m. feeding come just as early for a 20 year old not listen to those who say you're too old. Perhaps THEY are too old. THEY are not YOU. However, it's important to be honest with yourself. Every choice we make involves a sacrifice of some kind. Remember..if what you want is a child and you want it for the right reasons then go for it. Yes, keep your health in mind...but 44 isn't what it used to be 30 years ago. Most people are definitely younger in the chronological sense.
  • You posted this many months ago, chambliss, so you may have resolved the question already. For what it's worth, I'm 44 too, and started a cycle of Clomid this month. I'm fairly certain I'm already pregnant. (Will be waiting till Thurs. - period due date - to be sure.) I waited till I had the right guy and a stable life. It was something I've wanted a LONG time, and we decided to go for it, in spite of what some others thought of the idea. (I find it expecially amusing when men answer this question! ;-p) There were a good many friends/family of both genders who thought it was a great idea, however. There is an increased likelihood of chromasomal abnormality -- a risk we felt was worth taking. There is also an increased chance of maternal health problems such as high blood pressure and gestational diabetes. The key is an informed OB and a dedication to keeping yourself as healthy as possible. As several of the wise people here suggested, do some research (at reputable pregnancy and health websites, as well as your family doctor and an OB/GYN) and trust your instincts! Good luck!
  • dont listen to critics, i had my first baby at 41 and my second at 43 and had no health problems and delivered 2 healthy full weight babies, you can have health problems and problems with baby at any age, the risk over 40 has been proved to only be slightly greater than that at 25 believe me ive read into it, as to the silly person who said why have a baby at 44, is their life so fulfilled and happy that they feel qualified to comment, having a baby at any age is a joy do whats right for you
  • I have several friends who have happily had healthy babies in their forties with no regrets except that they are tired at times. I had my healthy child at 39 - I got pregnant the very first time we tried to conceive. My advice is - don't listen to any voice except your own and a doctor with whom you enjoy a good communication. Stop reading statistics and articles on the internet. Enjoy a good time with your husband. As for the "when you are 65-70-75, etc, your child will only be 21-25,etc - please ignore it. If you are going to be 65-70-75 anyway, would you like to be that age with a child or without? Best of luck. Turn off your computer!
  • your chaces are good i am 43 and had my beautiful baby boys when i was 42 and 43 i was given a high risk of a downs baby but my nuchal scan appeared fine.After having a private bllod test which combined with the nuchal gave me the same chance of having a downs baby to that of a 30 year old both my babys were born normally without any complications.I am currently trying for another baby.Good luck
  • I agree with the woman who had a child at 41 abd 43. I have 4 kids I am 44 I have a 23 yer ols son an 18 year old son and a 12 year old son I remarried after 23 year marriage and that same month I was told at 41 it would be hard to get pregnant at my age... FYI it wasnt that hard LOL... I am now the happy 44 year young mother to my first little girl and boy is she a joy.... I found out today that we are at it again 5 weeks alon. I did miscarry 4 months ago. So I am a little worried but I take life on lifes terms. My 18 year old had a rare type of liver cancer at 18months and only 20% chance to survive he is now 18 so I don't buy into the chance game.... each of us has his or her own fate... I pray all who are tryong have healhty babies. The best days are when babies are born.
  • It may be difficult but in my opinion it's well worth it....It was definitely for me & my husband! I wouldn't change it for the world! My first daughter was born days after I turned 40. I am now expecting my 2nd child (Thank God!). This baby will be born soon after I turn 44! I can't wait & would love to even try for a 3rd eventually. Trying to get pregnant again @ that age will probably be difficult, but it doesn't hurt to try. :) Research all you can about what could possibly help you get pregnant if you unfortunately don't conceive quickly & definitely get yourself a great OB-GYN who you're comfortable with & talk to him/her. I would recommend to do this @ any age when trying to conceive. My OB-GYN is awesome & coincidentally an older mom too! Good luck to all the older women, who know it's what they want & the right time, who are trying to conceive! God Bless!
  • I am 44 and TTC i miscarried in Feb and still nothing? Any tips on what to help me?
  • Hi there I am 44 and now 13 weeks pregnant..I have a healthy boy who will be 4 in Jan...I tried the clomid for years before my 4 year old and no luck, I did however have a tubal pregnancy in 04, they thought it was multiple b/c of the high levels of pregnancy hormones...then in Jan of 06 I had a laproscopy that cleaned out the excess tissue and scarring and few months later i was pregnant with my boy and NO period...I thought i was going through menopause b/c of hot flases but I was pregnant...and with no period, go figure... so after Kaj we tried again with clomid and no luck but last fall we miscarried at 6-7 weeks.. we gave up and my hubby was going to get fixed so we wouldnt have any future chance of pregnancy but next thing you know I was get this, alll the years on clomid and doctors telling you the optimal time for ovulation etc, i got pregnant this time on day 36 of my cycle...I only think of the years i wasted trying to get pregnant on days 14 - 19 with no my advise to anyone out there with fertility problems is not to do it on specific days b/c if your cycle is out of wack then you may be like me and be ovulating right before your period should be starting...we were shocked but happy and now awaiting 2nd blood test to see if our risk of Downs will go up from 1 in 29 to 1 in 200 good luck
  • I wish you would respond on how it all came out. From what I read in "Creating a Life" your chances are pretty low. The average age at which a woman can no longer conceive is 41. This means nearly half of women become infertile while still in their 30's! There are plenty of exceptions and I'm sure these people will be far more inclined to post an answer. The feminist revolution may have occured, but the biology hasn't changed.

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