• ( Probably yet another urban legend spread by teens who very much want it to be true.
  • No, smoking sage will not get you high, it is wonderful to open your airways though if you are sick....salvia, part of the sage family on the other hand, will cause temporary effects.
  • smoking some sage will rip your lungs to shreds. the oil will be very harsh and could cause a really bad headache. there is a sage that causes mental trips:
  • There are 6 varieties of Sage, all of them under the genus "salvia". 5 of these are beneficial and used in herbal medicine and cooking. One of them is psychoactive, diviners sage, which is illegal in a number of states. For a fuller explanation, see the info here -
  • Their are hundreds of varieties of sage and one variety "salvia divinorum" also known as diviners sage, gets you very high. Since the plant is native to humid regions of Mexico and costly to obtain a plant, it is unlikely you are growing a salvia divinorum sage plant. Salvia divinorum aka “Diviners Sage” is an extraordinary herb used in shamanism, divination, healing, meditation, spiritual insight and the exploration of consciousness. The effects of smoking enhanced leaf (extracted and concentrated salvia leaf) are overwhelming. Because of this, one must carefully prepare oneself for the experience and have at least a general idea of what to expect. Salvinorin A (the active compound in salvia leaf)is the strongest natural hallucinogen known to man. For more information on diviners sage go to
  • I began smoking sage (an organic strain of the herbal tea, crushed & put into a cigarette paper) as an alternative after years of smoking weed or tobacco. My experience is; that if you mix it with tobacco-it will very slowly get you relaxed yet focused. But, if you smoke a pure wrap of sage, you can get a very new & unique high. It is less damaging to my lungs than tobacco as well-which always helps. And, it seems to significantly lessen my tobacco addiction/habit. I personally would recommend it wholeheartedly as a step forward from plain tobacco smoking.
  • yes u can smoke shage and it wont rip ur lungs i dont think but it also dosent get u as high as weed
  • does McCormick rubbed sage work? lol
  • Its not the sage you should be worried about. Check inbetween and around to see if there are any other special "herbs" that you do not...or do recognize.
  • ok.. i just smoked like 3 bowls of sage and it does give you a little high.. i don't know what kind of sage i just smoked but its just a common cooking spice i guess. I think you might need allot more to get a Real high.. well unless you find some saliva :) lol

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