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  • Not sure as you do not say where you live in the World. However, where would you go? Please think very carefully about simply leaving - you may be much better off than it feels right now as although you have issues with how you are being treated you do have a roof over your head and are safe. Have you tried talking to Mom about how you feel and tried to understand why she is seemingly not allowing you any freedom - try to talk it through and compromise if need be before you do anything drastic.
  • Depends where you live. In Canada a person can leave home at 16 without parental permission. But it isn't just a legal issue. How will you pay for wherever you decide to live. You cannot just crash with a friend without paying room and board. Is there a family member who agrees to take you in? In your town, is there a shelter for young people who are voluntarily leaving home? What will be your income? Welfare will only pay you if your mother says she refuses to support you..... Have you talked to a school counsellor? They are a good resource and it won't be the first time your counsellor has been asked these kinds of she/he will know what to advise.
  • You are a minor and cannot leave your home, period. Your mother will make a runaway report to the police and you will be arrested and taken to juvenile detention. Sorry, thats the law and we all have to abide by it. I did, when if was your age. At your age, remember, parents rule.
  • Leaving, Moving out or whatever you wanna call it isn't just you leave your parents home and live happily ever after. It's you having to deal with a Landlord and at your age I can't see anyone renting to a 16 year old. You will only be allowed to sleep on someones couch for so long and then you'll have to fend for yourself. You'll have to have a job to pay your way. Rent, Utilities and food not to mention things like soap, personal items and clothes. Then comes furnishing your place with things like furniture, kitchen items, blankets and you name it. When I started none of those things even entered my mind.. I just thought - I want out and I'm going to leave. Ooops - HUGE mistake. I NEVER thought about down the road - never once did I think I would ever be hungry... But I was and it wasn't as "simple" as I had created it to be. Living on your own in a rental that goes for around 450 a month will be around $1,000 a month - that's food, utilities, rent, gas for your car OR taxi/bus fee and things you'll need for the month. Oh, I almost forgot about the car/transportation... You'll need one of them too - people will be "cool" with toting you here and there BUT only for a short while... after a couple days of that they'll get tired of it and have you find another way to get around. With gas being the price it is... don't think you can just say "hey can I get a ride" because... the answer will be 'NO' more than you want to believe. Friends are only friends until you begin to become a bother more than help. It's 2008 and it's tougher out there than you think... Your mom won't let you go where you want? Be glad you have a parent that actually CARES about your well being rather than a parent who just wants a buddy. If she didn't care she'd allow you to do whatever you wanted. You'll hate living on your own more than you do living with her... Makes me look back and think... WHY didn't I just listen to her!? A mom with rules is a mom who cares!
  • i live in ontario, *my mom wants my friends to get random drug tests when they come over * if i talked to my mom she would get pissed off at me and ground me for one reason shes not someone you can talk to * she wont let me step out the door to just stand their for some fresh air without asking me at lest 20 ?'s * if i do move out it will be with some friends so i wont be paying for everything
  • depends where you live, but if the legal age is 18, you could get emancipated if you qualify
  • That would partially depend on where your house is located? It's none of our business, of course, but because no one knows your true identity, would you mind explaining why you want to move out? +5
  • It depends on where you live. Here, yes, you can. I know several people who have done so.
  • -----not in CALIF some States i think you can it 18+ in most States

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