• No. I don't think so. When a similar thing happened to me they charged him anyway because people often retract their statements and then the abuse happens again. But if he's off the hook then he's off the hook...
  • Press charges simply means that you are willing to cooperate with the prosecution. Ultimately, the decision to prosecute lies with the prosecutor, and only the prosecutor. However, you will open yourself up to prosecution if you now un-retract your statement. It is against the law to lie to the police--its called obstruction of justice. Although it is unlikely that a prosecutor would bring this charge for retracting a statement, they may if you keep playing games with the justice system. Also, you have already severely harmed the states case. When the case goes to trial, the defense will simply show that you retracted and turn the case into an issue of a bitter girlfriend looking to use the justice system to get back at a boyfriend.
  • I'd contact a domestic violence organization in my area for more advice about what to do in the future and how to protect myself.
  • YES! YES! YES!

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