• Well first, you've recognized that cigarette smoking isn't good for you and second, you've actually taken an active step by deciding to quit smoking. You seem to know what you are doing, so I'm sure you will eventually drop the habit. I heard it's not easy, but with determination you will make it.
  • Good luck, and stick to it. It will only be as hard as you make it, so keep yourself real busy doing things where smoking is not allowed. Get some gum, and chew away. Stay strong, best wishes to you.
  • You can do it... I did it... and you'll feel so much better once they're gone...! ;-)
  • A man was so scared after reading the ill effects of smoking that he quit reading... that as powerful as any addiction can get... but you may overcome it, if you WANT to...
  • The first day is pretty rough but halfway through it you'll feel a a little better. The second day is slightly better than the first, and the third day on it gets a lot easier (not easy, but easier). You will be successful. There are two things you should not do under any circumstances: don't drink alcohol and do not reward yourself with "just one smoke." Just be done. After a while you will be beaming with pride and confidence and you may want a reward. Do not take a single puff. After a month you won't even want one and if you do slip up you'll see that it tastes horrible. I'm sure you'll do fine.
  • I'm on day 3 of no smoking. It isn't as bad as I thought. Don't let your mind focus on not having a cig. Focus on everything else. Don't be afraid to try aids. I'm using the lozenges and it's not the same as smoking. It takes the edge off but you don't get urges to use the aids like cigs. Good luck!
  • Sure can don't lose heart. I heard people feel so much better and have more energy to run or even walk after a while. I give you alot of credit for doing this. Just remember it has alot to do with will power too. The mind is very powerful. Good luck in that journey and the best to you and your new clean lungs!!!!!!!!!
  • Hang in there, if you get the craving. It will last 3 -5 minutes. Do not think about it. Go for a walk or find something to do, to get your mind off it. You'll make it.

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