• You have obligations that need to be met: one to your work and the other to your close person, which is to keep them safe. Say nothing or either find some other work.
  • This story doesn't sound valid. You haven't even identified the "government" invoved- city, county, state, federal? "Know everything", "hiding", "too expensive", "kill you"-from a 15 year old? You going to have to sell me a little more on this story. Feel free to talk via my e-mail on my profile.
  • I guess it depends on how much you trust the loved one -- perhaps the government won't find out that you told them. I'm feeling paranoid now... ><
  • Write it in a letter and give it to someone you trust to give to your loved ones if you ever disappear or die
  • I would write it all in a letter, and give it to someone, my cousin was a hacker for the government... and he wrote down anything he was unsure or scared about gave a key to a friend of his, because he kept the letter in a lockbox at the bank, he then instructed the bank, that if they did not hear from him every 2 weeks to unlock the lockbox for the person holding the key.
  • Ummm. . .sure. If you really did work for the "government" in such a capacity that required you to ohhh say have a security clearance and/or be bound to secrecy in some other way. . . you would not be asking this question. You would know the answer. WANTING to tell somebody and NEEDING to are two entirely different things. . .you said want. Again, wanting to tell somebody close to you does not justify doing it. Why would your loved ones need to know anyway? Mine never needed to know anything--they simply accepted that I could only tell them so much. End of story. No offense, but I have a really hard time taking this question, as phrased, seriously. And at 15. . .I doubt the government (in the United States anyway) would hire you and they certainly would not grant you a clearance. Again, I am not trying to be mean, but. . .sounds a little too 007 (ughhh) to be believable.

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