• Welcome to the club buddy!
  • lock yourself in your room and get your rocks off first, before you talk to the girl, that'll take the pressure off
  • I'm still working on this one. However, what really helps is getting rejected BADLY and RUDELY. Then you realize that it's no big deal. Eventually you get used to it, and you become kind of fearless, since the worst she could do is tell you off. However, if she's interested, she'll be impressed by your boldness.
  • Men put too much emphasis on avoiding rejection. That is always curious to me because they don't have that with anything else! Men will apply for jobs and get rejected. Apply for mortgage loans and get rejected. Try out for teams and get rejected. But as soon as they try to get with a woman, they have all this fear and create in their minds a need to get the girl. What is that? Dude, just look at any woman you meet as a person. You don't know her and she doesn't know you. So there is no need to get all wrapped up in what she MIGHT do or MIGHT say or what you MIGHT NOT get from her. Who cares? She is a complete stranger!!! Just be friendly without having a bunch of expectations of anything more happening between you two. Say something witty and flirtatious. You will at least get a smile. She may already have a boyfriend, or maybe you aren't her type. So what? Big whoop! Move on to the next woman without a care. Stop putting so many expectations on approaching a woman and look at it as putting in a job application. You don't have the experience this "employer" is looking for, or you don't have the education, or you want too much salary. Nothing lost! Move on.
  • Start by practicing on the less attractive girls.
  • First of all confidence is sexy with women. Say hello and introduce yourself, makesure that you smile women love that cause it makes them at ease. Always be properly dressed thats one thing I love when a man is dressed, hair done and he smells good. Ask her out for coffee, then the conversation will begin, remember to smile at her..
  • approach ten girls just by saying hi. first 2 days, then, hi, whats your name. to ten.the next days.
  • HERES how, go by atleast 10 women or 15 and simply smile and say hello. making eye contact. doing this, you will notice your confidence with women skyrocketing, this is a small way to make it work becuz your not seeking anything from them,and not expecting anything. this will kill your shyness. if your way too shy and nervous, do this for longer, or more women. next step is hello whats your name. thats it let them answer, or say nothing, and you say nice to meet you. nothing more. member this is practice to improve confidence and stomp fear with women. some women will smileat you and say their name, some will keep walking,some will ask for yours.
  • Confidence is big dude. You cant go into a game xpecting to lose rite? Same wit girls. You cant approach girls wit the mind set that your gonna get rejected. N if you do... oh well. Thers way mor chicks out ther ne way, y feel hurt over jst one??? Jst member, its ther loss, not yours
  • Approaching women takes practice. even most players get ditched. You, have to practice. if their shutting you down, lemme guess, you only approached 2 or 3 girls and they just so happened to be bad results. this is cuz you have no practice. your rap isn't good. you have to approach many more women to increase your rap. and, you will be smoother and say better things they will like and will be interested. YEA, it sucks but if you ever want hot girls, you have to practice flirting with them. if u were interested, i can tell you how i got very good.
  • just talk to them and then you'll get used to it and get over it

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