no! 14 too young to do anything to ruin your life.
No, but I think they'll find a way to do it anyway.
NO I think no one should smoke and definitely not a 14 year old. It is supposed to be illegal, but of course that is the big draw of smoking.
I don't think anyone, no matter what their age is.. should be permitted to smoke.
I don't think anyone at any age should be allowed to smoke. It's a disgusting addiction that kills people, and pollutes everything they come near.
NO WAY! I think 14 years old is far too young to be allowed to smoke and to realize the lifelong detriments it can have to your health. At that age you still think you're invincible and they don't have enough life experience to make that decision for themselves.
prob not
Prevent them from it, and explain why. If they are determined to do it, they will sneak and do it. Continue to stress against it. As an adult, any person should have the right to do whatever they choose, as long as it doesn't affect others. Make it clear to them that smoking does affect others, that are around them. I am strong against more and more laws taking our rights, slowly turning us into a well-controlled fascist society. If we choose to blacken our lungs, we should have the right to, as long as we don't blacken others' in the process. I would even agree that smoking at home around children, or at least in the same room, should be avoided. But if you smoke, obviously the kids are going to try it. So, you don't have much ground to stand on in the first place.
Sure, it's their choice. It'll also hopefully remove them from the gene pool and help us move forward as a species so it doesn't happen more ;)
Hell no. My kids will be allowed to smoke at age 18, and no sooner..... that is, I will discourage it with possible discipline until age 18, after that, it's their business.
the law says not to smoke, the church says not to masturbate, the parents say to eat vegetables...won't SOMEONE think of the children???
No, but they'll find osme way to get them.
14? In high school most kids had started when they were 12.
no way! i was 13 when i smoked and my mom let me when i was 14 or 15...not really a good idea, i'm not sure why she let me but it is very wrong
no, I don't think it's a good idea, I started smoking at 12, and now I'm having a hard time quiting, it's been 18 years and I have waisted way to many good years. One of these days I'll quit, it's just a really bad habit.
I think 18 no one should be allowed to. I'm sure it's enjoyable to some or most. But if you think back to your first "cig" you probably didn't enjoy it. 97% of people start smoking because of a psychological influece on other people. The remaining 3% are out of curiosity. If kids were allowed to smoke at 14 they wouldn't be able to afford it. Most of their allowances or part-time money would be going to support their habbit instead of using it to better their childhood. Of course it may not matter. The age is set at 18 because that is the age of adulthood and you are less likely to be peer-pressured or influenced by the rediculous things that you are at 14. But most smokers start at that age.
I tried at that age and it choked the hell out of me i never tried it again and still dont smoke in my adult hood.
Regardless of age, raising the question,.. "of being allowed",.. indicates that an individual or society through its laws consider the action detrimental to oneself. If an adult, with the experience of life, is asking a forum for this type of advice, they clearly demonstrate their inability to correctly orientate the children in their care. Being a parent is the art of practicing what is GOOD for your child,.. while they are under your supervision,... when you have demonstrated this in your own deed and action, they have the free-will and liberty to do so when they become an adult, and are responsible for themselves. Steve
I don't think anyone any age should smoke and certainly not someone who isn't responsible for their own health and health care.
no way
No. I did at 14, now when I see 14 year olds smoking they look ridiculous. I think wow, they're so young, it's a bit startling. But, on the other hand, I don't think many of them would be smoking if it was legal for them. I also remember obtaining cigarettes being half the "fun" of smoking when I was 14.
Kids at 14 shouldn't be allowed to pee without permission, much less smoke are you KIDDING? 14 year olds being allowed to smoke? How irresponsible would we have to become to allow that?
No. Ban smoking in every age and every country in the world.
Are you kidding? Do you honestly expect anyone to say "Yes" to that question?
NO NO NO, it's just stupid
Whether they are allowed to or not, they're going to do it.
No but if they want to and you don't allow them they will do it secretly around the corner.. or wait until they get 18... and then go nuts with smokesticks... don't get the wrong idea.. i absolutely hate SMOKING!!!! I've never tried it... my mother even wanted to offer me... and i refused.. when I was 14.
No, but they'll find a way if they want to!
Its their body. Let them treat it the way they think is right. Even if Its not healthy, thye have to suffer the consequences from their actions.
by 14 they've probably already been smoking for 2 years, lol.
although age 16 or even 18 is considered the age of adulthood it isnt illegal for a 14 year old to smoke their probably doing it to look cool so i would discourage them to do it but at the end of the day its their decision that they will live with for the rest of their lives they are at the age of understanding
Here in New Zealand it is now illegal to puchase cigarettes under the age of 18. I myself started smoking when I was 13 due to peer pressure and rebelling against my parents. Yes back then I could afford to do it. I had always had an after school job since 12. Nobody in my family smoked so it had nothing to do with my home environment. Since the law has been enforced here a couple of years back the number of youngsters smoking has reduced but not stopped. Smoking has got to be one of the most addictive and harmful things out there and is also extremely hard to get it out of your life. If I could turn back the clock and say 'No' to that first cigarette offered to me I would jump at the chance. You don't need to tell me the bad results of smoking I know them only too well. The social and physical aspects are only part of it, you also want to look at the financial side of it which can cripple your potential income. If I were to sit back and work out what I have actually spent on smoking over the last 26 years that I have smoked on and off, I probably could have almost bought a small house and when you look at it as a big picture rather than a few dollars per packet it really does wake you up. At 14 even 16 our teenagers are young and impressionable. They still need guidance (whether they think that or not). They have addictive and curious personalities and should not be engaging in anything like smoking. Unfortunately the fact of the matter is...they do and they will...There will always be a battle to stop our young from doing what they want to do! So I guess in short my answer is 'No' :) ps...Yet again I am trying to give them up.
I don't think kids at 14 should be allowed to do ANYTHING except eat, sleep, breathe, and study.
Lol!No,because they're a KID.
mmm i think its their choice i myself am 14 and smoke but its not good in my opinion to get started on it full time i only do when im bored or stressed unlike sum people who go thru 2 packs a day.
Kids should not every be "allowed" to smoke. I'ts like saying it is ok to kill yourself.
Of course not.
As a general rule I would say no, but it depends greatly on how mature the 14 year old is. Some 14 year old kids are more mature than their parents and older siblings, but from what I've seen over the years I'd say that's the exception to the rule. A good rule of thumb is to discourage children from tobacco usage untill they are in high school. Sixteen or seventeen year olds should have the reasoning capability by that age to know whether they want to smoke or not, and of course, by that age they can have jobs that allow them to purchase their own pleasures and vices as is their adult choice. If your 14 year old wants to smoke then judge him or her by her maturity level and not her cronological age before you "lay down the law", if you do that you'll have fewer problems with your children in the long run. But as a simple "rule of thumb", I'd say to them, " No, you shoudn't smoke, but feel free to ask me again in a few years when your older.
No, kids at age 14 should not be allowed to smoke. In fact no kids at any age should be allowed to do so. Smoking is an unhealthy habit so adults should take the lead to say 'NO' to smoking so that we could breathe free.
i myself am 15 now dont judge me by my age i am mature and intelligent i believe that they should as long as it is there choice as long as they know the consiquences of there actions.
I think they should be allowed to smoke at 11 years of age. I did
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