• A friend of mine builds automated machinery and he made a machine for a plant that would put the different powders in roman candle type fireworks. The powder would get on the floor. To dispose of it it was constantly being swept up during the day and put in a bucket. Then someone would take it out to a field (this plant was very rural) and dump it and it would be set off by remote control. Well they figure there must have been static in the air this day because part way there the stuff went off and killed the guy carrying it. Every time I see fireworks I think of that and it spoils it somewhat for me.
  • Sort of ... during a military war games exercise at night at winter, I took a "para-flare" and a "thunder-flash" ... took the parachute out of the flare launcher and dropped in the thunder-flash, then launched it into the "enemy" camp ... the pyrotechnic hit a guy in the back of his head, dropped into the hood of his parka, then exploded ... it knocked him flat on his face, gave him some minor "blast lung" ruptures but could have killed him ...
  • Not really a horror story, but a darn good laugh later. My cousin and I were out on the highway having bottle rocket wars one night. I got lucky and hit his ammo dump with one. One of the rockets skidded and went into a tiny hole in his big paper bag full, in which set off his whole arson. All's I can remember is the whole road and woods lighting up, and a pair of feet running in mid air, about three feet off the ground. I laugh when I think about it even today, and that was back in the late sixties, early seventies.
  • I remember the first fireworks I went to was for Canada Day and it was a time no one would forget... firefighters were the ones who put them off and something went wrong with one of them and backfired and blew off one of the firefighters hands it was horrible although i didnt see i always remember hearing about, everyone talks about it still it happened 12 years ago
  • Yes, an ongoing one: my boyfriend! Pyromaniac....
  • One late night, my best friend, my boyfriend and I were driving around shooting bottle rockets at people's houses for pranks. My boyfriend was driving and I was sitting in the middle of the front seat with my best friend riding shotgun. My boyfriend told us to duck because he was going to shoot one out the passenger window. I didn't duck quick enough and the bottle rocket went down my blouse. He was able to retreive it before it actually exploded, but I did have some pretty bad burns on my boobs. That was about 30 years ago; I still have scars to this day.
  • I have quite a few of them in fact. My husband did professional fireworks shows for about 20 years. I think the worst was a shoot on the Fourth of July. The computer for the show went down so my husband and his partner went down on the field to hand hit the end boxes. This would have been fine except the cheap Bas.... excuse me , the cheap man they were working for had made us re-use cardboard tubes for the show. You Do Not re-use cardboard tubes for shells over 4 inches, we were shooting 5's and 6's that night. Three of the tubes exploded, we had ground shots everywhere, a bunch of fires and shells going up randomly, it was a sparkling madhouse. The guys just kept hitting the contacts to make the pyro go, it was the safest way to get the shells off the burning field. Amazingly no one was hurt and the show was a screaming hit with the audience, they were over a berm and never saw the field, just the aerials. My husband came up from the field covered with soot and sweat yelling 'What a bitching high', I almost hit him for scaring the crud out of me.

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