• That kind of stuff never ever works unless you have a LOT of hits to your website, which means you'd need to spend money on radio advertising anyway, and even then, you need a point for the website besides 'I want to make money'. Release a DVD that holds the secrets to success or some shit, it'll work much better.
  • There's a ".....for Dummies" book on everything at your local bookstore.
  • Popular topics? Go with politics. You'll always have a hot spot there.
  • Im not sure on the money part but i know that u can use to create your own site u can either buy or go for free i went for free...
  • A guy at work actually coded his own website (lots of VB.Net and JavaScript), spending many months on it even with some experience as a developer, and never made a dime. I think he mentioned how he lost money because of how the ad payments to Google work. . What you need is a really good idea that nobody's thought of before, and luck getting it widely known.
  • My advice would be to find some free website and spend time throwing traffic at it instead of starting from learning how to code one. Here's some good quality sites you can download: If you know how to search google there are heaps of them out there and usually they are on the best topics already. You should then only add your adsense code to them and then post on relevant forums and have your sites on your signature.
  • If you don't know what you are doing ; STOP !! How can you make money doing something that you don't know how to do except to take advice from strangers off the internet ??? You need to learn more about websites etc so you can actually do it right and make some good $$$$ . Best of luck !! +5
  • Paying for Adwords Ads cost money, adsense is free. I make money and it is steadily growing everyday. Build a website about a topic you enjoy with plenty of quality content. You do not have to be trying to sell something. If someone clicks on the adsense ads on your site, you make money. Either keep adding pages to the same site or build new sites. The more content you have, the more you make. It is not a scam, if you'll notice, answerbag has google ads everywhere, that's because it works. The key is getting visits to your website. It can be done. The Most Important Step Of Internet Marketing As Far As I'm Concerned... Use this technique when adding pages to a website, writing articles, blogs, and placing classifieds, etc. It works for everything! If the search engines can find you, customers will find you! Do not choose your domain name or subdomain name without doing your keyword research first. If you choose a keyword phrase to name it, your chances of showing up in the first few pages of search results improves greatly. Short Tutorial Good Luck!

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