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  • one, it could be he actually loves you.. you know men, (of course i'm one even though i'm on the other side of the fence) they're not really show-y with their love... when you think he loves you, he actually doesn't and when you think he doesn't he actually does... so with this, it comes down to "do you really love him? and are you satisfied with what you have going on?" two, if he's a player, maybe he still wants you coz he wants a girl for his collection. maybe he thinks you as a trophy to show amongst his other player friends... so again, it comes down to "are you happy with what's going on?" and you know, if you really are serious about breaking up, f*ck him if he doesn't... you want it to be over, then it's over... that's what i think...
  • "...he wants to show me how much he loves me..." (i'd say cmon and show it! if not now when?!) for me, you have two options: 1. break up with him if you think you deserve more that to be taken for granted... i mean, even though he's busy, he should still make time for you despite of his busy-ness... wanting to show love is different from actually showing it. a mere phone call for 5 minutes is better than not calling... 2. stick with him, but give him an ultimatum.. tell him that you are not satisfied with what you're going through... tell him what you want to happen, and if he ends up telling you the same thing as he did before, follow step one... there's probably a lot of guys there that deserve more love... 3. stick with him, and assess if you're just being needy... guys don't usually like clingy girlfriends... if you're the type of girl who calls every ten minutes just to ask how the bf is doing, then we should really take you for granted. be a girl, but don't be a "girl". get it? if you really love him, and he's just an OK type of guy, sometimes it's you who should end up adjusting... (but if you've already adjusted a lot, then follow step one) cool?! cool...
  • okay maybe the options i gave you was three instead of two:) if he calls you back, tell him that you're not happy with the way things are turning out. Tell him why. tell him that he doesn't pay attention as much as you want him to. And you know, if he works it out then stick with him.. but if he's not willing to compromise, then you should be happy he's gone... if you really love him, don't let go. If you think you don't love him that much, then you're fooling yourself and him for staying in the relationship... if you're unhappy, then you should tell him that and if he doesn't understand, then it's fine to break up with him...
  • Why are you letting him? Take the power back...
  • they're actually right... think of it this way: you think about him, trying to focus on your relationship, trying to save it, thinking of ways to make it work, going through all this trouble to make good things happen... BUT ARE YOU SURE HE IS EVEN THINKING ABOUT YOU RIGHT NOW? ARE YOU SURE HE WOULD EVEN GO THROUGH ALL THIS TROUBLE TO MAKE IT WORK? ...then there's your answer...
  • Sweetie....i feel so bad for you. I know exactly how you feel. i have chased a boy for over 2 years...hoping and praying that he cared for me like i cared for him...he always made me feel like i was being clingy too and i would contact him as much as you would...twice a week with phone calls, texts a couple of times a week..he would blow me off about seeing me...a few months ago, i found out he started to hang out with a previous girlfriend of his, whom he would see every night! All those times that he told me he was too busy, working late, too's cuz he was not interested in me. I would pray and fast, and do anything and everythign for him but simple truth is, he wasn't into me. Please do yourself a favor, when a man wants you...YOU WILL KNOW will not even have to post a message here asking if he is interested...that's how men are...when they are in love, they will be eager to pursue you and want to be near you...and please don't fool yourself into thinking that you can convince him to change his thoughts about, in general are not wired like that...and if perhaps you temporarily succeeded in him coming after you would be just that temporary. Please get out while you can...because i promise you the longer you pine for him, the more determined you will be to "wait" and to "hope" that he will change his mind about you...Please, do waht is good for you...i wish i would have listened to the red flags that my guy sent me...i woudln't be so devastated now...cuz the longer you prolong the inevitable the more you will regret blessed and i hope i have helped a little and help you avoid the lesson i learned a very hard way... P.S. i received a text message from him after a month saying that he enjoys me and cherishes me...while he continues to see the girl he really likes every day...yes, love unreturned hurts...
  • omg i have the same problem :S but the thing is that i am deeply in love with my boyfriend and i'm not that clingy .. that is i wait for him to call i never call him unless it was argent and i send him text msg's to know how he's doing. however, i think by that he thinks it's k and normal that he doesn't even bother to ask about me ! although i told him straight forward about this issue and the typical answer i'm just too busy wait a lil I'm going through stuff..etc . well it wouldn't hurt if he like called for 1 minute to see how i'm doing right?? i just don't know what to do anymore and i'm fed up of waiting
  • He's afraid of being alone!!!

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