• If he is a good friend of hers, maybe she is just showing concern - which i think is understandable
  • Come on, wouldn't you be concerned if one of your female friends was getting married too soon? Don't make up feelings for her that aren't there, that'll only get her mad at you.
  • A few days relationship,then marriage. Wow! I opt for the Bubonic plague before I would do something like that.
  • She could very well be concerned that her friend is rushing into a marriage with someone she's only known for DAYS, or she's a bit, for lack of a better word, a little "jealous", that her friend is getting hitched and she's not. Putting their time frame aside, when a woman has been in a relationship with a guy, and one of her friends gets married to a guy before her, when their relationship hasn't been a longer time frame than hers, it can cause a bit of spite. Lots of things will fill in her mind like "they've only been together for 6 months, my guy has been with me two years and he hasn't proposed to me!",or "that is so unfair. Of course SHE meets Mr. Perfect and my boyfriend STILL has committment issues". It all in all depends on how she's approaching the situation. Is she rationally talking to her friend about if she's ready to get married, and being supportive of her regardless? If so, she's just worried for her and I wouldn't look too much into it. OR, is she acting one way to her friends' face, and then behind her back picking nasty arguments with you about how stupid her friend is being, and making statements about how she should not be getting married right now at all, and that she's just being idiotic and not thinking clearly? If she's getting fired up and mean, jealousy could very well be a factor here. I wouldn't necessarily worry, a lot of women, and I mean A LOT tend to look towards their own relationships when their friends start to marry if they're still just dating. Calmly remind her that you know how much she cares for her friends' well being and happiness, and she should be there for her no matter whether she marries this guy months from now, or five minutes from now. It's HER choice to make, and if so be it, HER lesson to learn if she rushes and it doesn't work out.
  • In my honest opinion, I don't think you should be worried. If she is close to this guy friend like I think she is, she has a right to be upset with him for making such a irresponsible decision so fast. Do not start to worry as of yet. :)
  • yep be worried, i mean id be worried if it was one of my female frends but with men and women being frends there is always going to be sexual feeling between a least one of them ( scientific fact) maybe she is jelouse aybe she isnt, it depends how shes being about it. ask his male frineds wot they think and if they r acting the same then u have ur answer, or maybe this girl and his frined h8 each other, u never no
  • There nothing suspicious about her anger, she just cares about him and knows he's making a mistake.
  • Your question makes no sense. Your girlfriend has a male friend. He is dating a girl and will marry her soon. Then you say that she is getting upset for wanting to marry a guy so fast? Is he marrying a female or a male? This sounds like a poorly made up question.
  • no, if my friend told me that I would be concerned too. I think anyone who is a true friend would be concerned. But we can just hope for the best right?

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