• Could be that they are insecure and not very trusting.
  • They're worried, I guess, about their boyfriends affecting specific forms of attention on those other girls that goes outside of the social boundaries imposed upon those who are in relationships. And a lot of irrational insecurities rise to the surface because the bond between two partners is a very emotional one in nature.
  • They are either, insecure or they dont trust their boyfriend. Or both!
  • For me, personally, it's the most basic kind of jealous. Simply that it's not me that he's with. I'm not jealous of who the girl is, or what they do, or even how close they are. If they're friends, then whatever. I just get jealous because she's with him, and I can't be. This doesn't really apply to everyone, because my boyfriend goes to school five hours away and he's got friends there that are girls, so that's my view on that situation.
  • Because so many people find it hard to believe that males and females can have platonic relationships with each other that it's become part of who we are as society, and her being jealous is therefore a conditioned response to seeing him with other females. Either that or they're better looking than her.
  • Maybe the same reason guys get jealous of their girlfriends hanging out with other guys. Until marraige there's always a fear of competition, once you're married, that's supposed to stop. If I could underline supposed to, I would.
  • Women tend to be monogamous and also want men to be that way too. Men are more polygamous and don't understand why women don't understand that.
  • they are insecure
  • Maybe for the same reason a lot of guys get jealous of their girlfriends hanging out with other boys. I do get a bit jealous when my boyfriend hangs out with other girls because I really do love him and I want him to myself. I do trust him, so all the people who say every single person who gets jealous must not trust their their s/os don't know what they're talking about. I am not even insecure about myself the way they say jealous people are, either. I know he loves me. I just want him to myself. I let him hang out with other girls, though.
  • I would say it has something to do with our most primordial of instincts, along with some tribal behaviour us humans have yet to let go of yet. Other than that girls are very aware of male behaviour around women...and ya know they are probably justified.
  • Low self esteem. They think they aren't as pretty, or as cool, so they get worried. Very insecure with the relationship.
  • if they are really flirty then i find it hard not to get jealous of some other girl gettin attention of my b/f and flirtin wit him. think it's a trust thing, you will either trust him or you wont do.
  • Not all of them do. Some like other girls too! Others may get crazy and wanna end you just cuz her man wants you more than her and you wouldn't ever want to be with him because of how he's treating her anyway! (Shudders!) Just thinking about it makes me wanna know whose got my 6?! Oh and also because many people are not monogamous. And many who are not faithful suspect their partner isn't either.

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