• There is no exact answer to how long.. it depends on the type of break, how fast you are healing and if there are any complications. Never put any pressure on it without the doctor telling you its ok.. your meds may not let you feel the pain of stepping down on it wrong or putting too much weight on it. The cast does not have a walking peg stuck in the bottom so you may damage the cast and it will cause further damage. I know its soooo boring and time seems to go backwards at times.. I broke my foot when my oldest daughter was 6 months old.. try driving, carrying a baby carrier and (I'm an avid coffee drinker) carrying a cup of coffee from the pot to the coffee table.. I had to move the carrier 2 feet, then step with the crutches, then move the carrier, step.. etc.etc.. It took me all day just to go get the mail, or move around the house.. change the babies diapers, feed her, or go grocery shopping!!!
  • If it is worse in the morning... are you keeping it elevated?? Prop it up on a pillow at night to keep it higher than your heart. I had trouble doing that because I can't sleep on my back... and I walked on my cast before I was supposed to, and now everytime the humidity goes up.. My foot is a better weather forcaster than the news station... it hurts. Its been 25 years ago I broke take heed.
  • I would advise you not to put any weight on it until your doctor says you can. Weight bearing on a broken bone can cause a permanent "non union" in the broken bone. I have steel plates and screws in my leg, and I wasn't allowed to put weight on it for 5 months. Had the break not fused properly, I would have had the option of being in a cast for life, or removeing the broken portion of bone, and replacing with an artificial ankle joint and lower leg (internal). I know it sucks, I've been through exactly what you are going through, but rushing it can cause permanent disability. It's not worth the risk.
  • I stayed on my crutches the whole time - my cast was bent at an angle and I could not walk even though it did have a rubber heel on it.
  • That is only a question your doctor should answer.

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