• Ten times.
  • 10 times the original investment
  • pH is the measure of H^+ in the solution.The author may have intended to tell that number of H^+ may have increased by 10 fold (ten times) by bringing down the pH from 7 to 2. It is just a guess work pH=-log10[H^+] pl peruse base 10.
  • Its like the saying, "I love you 10-fold". It means i love you ten time over and over and over.
  • It means, each time you GO UP 1 level, there is 10 times more of the thing that it is referring to. (see extra comment I gave for PH/Acids)
  • To me it means: You fold a piece of paper once (1 fold) - you have 2 sections Fold That again (2 fold) - you have 4 sections Fold that again (3 fold) you have 8 sections so 10 fold should result in 1,024 sections The media is using the term incorrectly I think,why say "fold" just say "times" - does saying 10 fold sound more intellectual than "10 times" ?

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