• probably even though they are fungi the do get moldy, i think- I'll try it!
  • Or wormy, which is worse.
  • Mushrooms are in fact a type of fungi. Fungi is like moss and mold. So basically mushrooms are imune to mold or moss but are not harmfull unless their poisones.
  • I'm pretty sure they some that way. Mushrooms are fungus, and that's basically what mold is (yuck). But I think that other types of fungus can attach to the mushroom and grow, creating those nasty green lumps.
  • Yes, mushrooms can become infected by other fungi. P.S. Moss is not fungus.
  • Yes, mold can live on mushrooms but only sometimes it gets infected.
  • if allowed to get wet then mushrooms can mold-to store them they should be keep dry and in the frig-also allow them to breathe and dont keep them in a sealed container---hope this helps---chef for a living---smile and enjoy the night-good question
  • Mushrooms are a type of fungi. -And they can get moldy! An issue with indoor mushroom cultivation is a "cob-web" mold that can grow on the tops of them. This happens due to excess moisture, and mold spores in the substrate. Do you have a problem with this? You can get invaluable assistance at many of the mushroom forums that litter the web. If you need any help, send a holler! Peace, -Rav
  • yes, they can
  • The only food which does not spoil is honey. Mushrooms rot and can get mouldy. Even though they are fungi they are prone to OTHER species of mould growing on top of them.

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