• Someone who as red on there necks
  • You are a redneck if... You still have a gun rack in your volkswagen beetle, and you have one of those bull's nut hitches
  • this pretty much sums it up for me
  • For me it's not just because they live in the country, I live in the country and I am by far a redneck, I may be country but not redneck. I know a lot of rednecks, I don't care if they live in the middly of the city to me they can be considered rednecks if they act like one. My personal def is this, if they think they are something special and they are not any more special than you or I. They think it's hilarious to teach children to be rude, inconsiderate, alcoholic, fowl mouthed clones of themselves. There is also the picture of a woman standing in the doorway with a belly button shirt on and her gut hanging out with a naked baby in one hand and a cigerette and beer in the other, and yes I have really seen this, it's sad and I feel sorry for the kids. So that is my opinion of a redneck.:)
  • Larry the Cable Guy. He was born one and grew up in Redneck country. He's exploiting it now.
  • Somebody from a rural area who is poorly educated,, not too smart, and has a mean streak. Take away the mean streak and you've simply got a hick.
  • Hey I have relatives (in West Va) that know what Jeff is talking about in that video. Not saying the do any or all of them! ??? what does that make ME?
  • thinks camoflauge leisurewear is hip, wears a knife on their belt, tight jeans and a shirt with the sleeves cut off and has a mullet Spends more money on tree stands, hunting and fishing equipment and their truck than on their home (usually a trailer) has a satellite dish next to said trailer vacations to nascar, wwe or monster truck/tractor pulls lives in what they call a "holler" Thinks George Bush is well spoken thinks rebel flags and gun racks should come standard on all trucks (only buys chevy or ford) has been on or had a family member on Jerry Springer thinks all those foreigners need to go back where they came from
  • they might just be a redneck
  • I've always defined it as a glorified lack of sophistication.
  • Not to be offensive but I believe that a redneck is a person of the white race who is extremely sunburn, who is thin, and dirty, and who's not socialize
  • If you have to ask what a redneck is, you might be a redneck.
  • I think a redneck walks in the grocery store with barefeet.
  • You might be a redneck if you have 6 parked cars in your front lawn and only one of them runs.
  • A farmer or other person who works outdoors w/o adequate protection from the sun. I worked landscaping for ten years. Couldn't help but to become a redneck.
  • Well, first of all they have to hunt and kill defenceless animals. They sit on their porches and fire at birds and squirrels. They drink a lot. They are racist and bigoted. They treat their wives like a piece of furniture. Finally, they are on Welfare and wear tartan shirts.
  • One who has mastered the finer culinary arts when it comes to dealing with roadkill.
  • Getting all dressed up to go to Walmart would be high on their list of things to do.
  • All the people that live around me :(
  • A person who already had their mind made up and doesn't want to be confused by the facts. A person can have their own opinion, but they can't have their own facts.
  • This is funny:)
  • A redneck is a person who thinks if they have 50 chickens on their front porch, they have reached their second goal in life. They've already reached their first goal last Christmas when their wife said "daddy, yur son Bo has made me mighty proud -- he's gonna marry Jessie May -- you remember her daddy -- she put up that there fireworks place last July and she said he didn't have to work cause she's fixin' to be hired at the dollar store.
  • Red Neck Woman ~ Gretchen Wilson
  • Britany spears ?
  • someone who cant spell definition correctly
  • As Jeff Foxworthy's a glorious absence of sophistication lol.
  • The term Redneck can be traced back to a pack of unionized coal miners from west virginia going to fight some fedral troops blocking unions from working. the army had machine guns and the miners had their hunting rifles. To distinguish themselves from the facists, the miners tied red bandanas around their necks.
  • You Might be a red neck if you shoot yourself in the foot trying to kill a mouse
  • larry the cable guy straight up!
  • Mine are these: 1. an uneducated white farm laborer, esp. from the South. 2. a bigot or reactionary, esp. from the rural working class.
  • Someone who's proud of the fact that their mother has been on COPS.
  • A propensity to side with the losers of the Confederacy.
  • Any guy who instead of ordering a Rolls Royce for the wedding when he gets married,has a couple of green John Deere tractors and a hay bailer lined up outside the Church.

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