• My boss had a dislocated rib in his back last year. I don't remember who he finally found that fixed it for him. Definitely ask your doctor. You don't really want to mess around with your back - screw that up and it may be permanent!
  • I hate to say it, but your ribs are one bone each, I dont believe a chiropractor can help. I may be wrong, and I wish you the best, go Yankees! And all hail The Lady Vulcan!
  • See a doctor and ask about physiotherapy. I would caution against chiropractors. Chiropractors are not medically qualified, they are certified by other chiropractors and their own associations. Quality is variable and they can advocate anything from homeopathy to accupuncture and applied reflexology. Double blind tests of chiropractors indicate that they can actually cause harm and they certainly do not consistently diagnose problems.
  • A chiropractor may be able to help with a more generalized approach, while a physical therapist would be more specific and able work on the exact joint that is out of place.
  • Each of your ribs articulate with a vertebrae, not just floating in space, so yes they can be adjusted at that joint. The most common symptom of a rib issue is sharp pain with deep breaths, coughing and sneezing. It is a relatively simple adjustment, but is a bit painful right at the moment of adjustment. But, on the flip side there is almost immediate relief of pain after the adjustment is done!
  • Chiropractors really are skilled, trained, accredited, etc. They're not witch doctors. They can indeed be trusted to do no harm. At the very least, they can identify the problem and direct you to the best help. But I suspect they'll be able to fix you right up.
  • It could be a muscle spasm. Possibly caused by carrying around a growing baby.
  • I don't think they can just be "out of place" you either bruised it badly or cracked it - ER no chiropractor
  • Your rib probably isn't out of place, it's probably a vertebra, seeing as in the center of the back is where they are. A chiropractor will fix this.

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