• I do. My cousin took a whole bunch of duffle bags from the school she works at and we went to the Bahamas about 4 days ago and she didn't get her lougage back yet.So I totally believe in Karma
  • Yes, and it has to do with my guilt complex. :)
  • No, because there's no reason to. That said, striving for an excess of "good karma" is always a good thing.
  • Sort of, but not in a strictly spiritual sense. I think that people who have a loving and generous attitude towards others tend to have a more positive outlook, and so are more likely to be able to see the best in situations and enjoy life more. Whereas people who are cruel and selfish tend to be more cynical and think everyone is out to get them, and so generally enjoy life less. You get out what you put in.
  • Yes, I have an acceptation of karma. However, in my acceptations, any past life influence only gives us *tendencies* towards certain situations and actions, they do NOT *determine* what we will do or what will happen. Love and peace, LillaKat
  • Yes. I was raised to believe in karma. My life experience has shown me that what we do comes back to us.
  • Yes. It is just like good and bad.
  • I agree: I think greedy and conniving people succeed at a superficial level--but look at how much insecurity or power-hunger it must take for them to go to so much effort to deceive or dominate in order to satisfy their thirst for success. Imo, that's a form of suffering, even if it doesn't seem so to outsiders. Love and peace, LillaKat
  • KARMA is a latin word meaning "the fruits of action". In other words, if you do good work, you can expect good results. If you do poor work, you can also expect poor results. I believe that this is true and I believe in it completely. If you do good things in life, your "actions" will provide you good results (karma).
  • If you live your life hurting others, then when you need help, those whom you have hurt, may turn a blind eye to you. If you spend your life belittling others, and someone says something that hurts your feelings, you may hear chuckles from behind. If you live your life helping others, then when you ask for help, you will have plenty of people that would love to. If you live life caring for the sick, then when you come down ill, you will have many friends that want to take care of you. If you stand up for others, then when someone is there to pick on you, you will find yourself surrounded by those who will protect you. This is how I believe in Karma. Why is only obvious.
  • I do not believe in spiritual karma. I am not a really spiritual person and I believe that everything has a logical explanation. I believe that you should treat people the way that you want to be treated. You should be good to others just for the sake of it and not because you expect something in return or because of fear of punishment. We are all highly evolved creatures and must act like it.
  • There's nothing to "believe in" here. Worrying about whether or not one should believe in karma misses the whole point: what there is to do is observe your own life. People who take on the discipline of observation without judgment come to notice certain things, and one of the things they notice is that actions have effects that are complex. The "systems" of cause and effect reveal subtle and deep connections between phenomena. This isn't about some sort of metaphysical or mystical register on which the gods keep track of your merit points, it's about the cumulative effect of your actions in determining the conditions of your future -- through ordinary cause and effect in an utterly commonplace, science-compatible way. What makes it SEEM mystical is simply the sheer complexity of causes and effects: because there are so many interconnections between things, life is unpredictable: we can't "precalculate" what is going to happen. But we can OBSERVE that in general, doing lots of good tends to come back around to us, as does doing lots of evil. And we can *see* -- at least intuitively and experientially -- why this happens. That doesn't mean that bad things never happen to good people or vice-versa. There's no magical free ride here, life includes risk and uncertainty. And ultimately, the best reasons for doing good instead of evil aren't rooted in personal rewards or consequences at all. Good deeds are simply the expression of a whole person in action, while evil deeds are the expression of a distorted, confused, separate, and selfish mind.
  • i think that karma is a habit. when you do sometihing once it's a big chance that you will do it again, and it brings you to similar situations again and again
  • i believe in what i named myself as the stoner karma..cuz i came to realize this when i was high a long time ago..if i did something bad,and got away with it...sooner or later it came back to me...but when i did things that were good and paid once when a bum asked me for change i gave him like 2 bucks out of my pocket when everyone else just ignored once when i was about to get jumped by some guy and possibly raped..the bum was there and he protected me from the guy who was following me and well..bneat his i think that was awesome,cuz i showed kindness to a person no one gave a crap about and it payed back
  • I believe in both. And I have seen it manifest itself to myself and others already many times in my lifetime.
  • "Do unto others, as you would have done to you." what you do twords someone else, (good or bad), will, Come back to you, in some way, shape, or form (good or bad) ! ( thats the way I see it anyway, weather or not thats "Karma" I don t know ! :)
  • yes,very much.
  • For sure,it is another name for karma,and everyone has to play the game under the same rules.
  • Definitely, if you put bad into the world, it deserves to go back to its rightful owner.
  • Yes I do believe it. I have seen it happen. I have pushed it a bit myself and it came back and bit me on the ass.
  • This is the Karmatic cycle: and for but a brief moment this question will come full circle only to wind up again as forgotten, only to be found by someone else and become forgotten again, etc...
  • Yes, I do.
  • yes... I believe in alot that most don't ..but then again, I have seen alot that most haven't... and YES there IS "something(s)" out there. ( but thats just MY belief and oppinion)
  • Oh yeah...I've experienced it and seen others experience it...sometimes swift...other times slow...but sooner or later we all get what's coming to us...if not for this life...perhaps for another!
  • I've always wanted one of those. They are SO cool!
  • The other day I was telling my spouse how I found another wooden toothpick lying around the house when I have asked him to throw them away because they are a choking hazard for the cats. He mocked me and made a face at me and then cut his finger on some glass he was putting out for the recycling truck. Talk about Instant Karma!
  • Yes I do believe in karma.
  • Yes and it right behind me,them tailgaters.
  • Not like in karma, but you reap what you sow.
  • I believe in Karma.
  • I sure hope so cause there's a lot of people who need their due justice.
  • Yes, I do, I believe it's happened to me, sad but I think I deserve it, certain things are more like a situation you're in and a decision that needs to be made, if you look back and regret the choice you made, then I find i spend my life waiting for pay back.
  • Only when you believe that life is like a wheel.. There are times you're at the top, sometimes at the bottom.. Also when you believe that what goes up must come down..
  • I'll let ya know when it gets here.
  • yes i do and i believe in fate and luck charms and spells and voodoo and all that stuff.
  • yeah. the idea of a spiritual curriculum vitae is nice.
  • Yes. I am a Hindu. Karma is not as rigid as fate or destiniy.
  • Karma is a concept that's often misunderstood in the western world. Karma is simply the direct result of your action. If you're always doing harmful things, it affects the people around you. In this way we all create our own environment, which then affects us back. It works the same way for positive and helpful things. :)
  • Yes, good answer. Its motivation that usually makes the difference between "good" and "bad" karma, but included in the motivation is the element of ignorance, at least in the Buddism belief. It's also worth noting that Hinduism has its own special take on karma.
  • Absolutely. What goes around comes around. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. What you send out comes back to you (threefold). This same idea has been expressed in many ways. What is unique about Eastern karma is that it follows you from one incarnation to another. I'm not sure what my stance is on this.
  • Karma, as spoken of in the western world, is not what the Eastern world would see it as. To Hindus and Buddhists, it is the sum total of the good and bad acts that you commit in a single life, which, in turn, lead to your rebirth either as a higher or lower form. It has nothing to do with reward or punishment in this life. Westerners, however, see karma as a "for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction". That is not the meaning of karma. Instead, what westerns are expressing is the biblical concept of "a person reaps what he sows" (Galatians 6:&) So, do I believe in karma? Not as Hinduism/buddhism explains it, as I believe in one life only, not reincarnation. Do I believe in "a person sows what he reaps". Yes, I do. Unless, of course, the principle of GRACE intervenes, and mercy is extended. Then, a person will reap what he did not sow, and live a life of thanks for the privilege God has extended him in Christ.
  • Yes, but i don't understand how some criminals can walk free. And why innocent people can be charged.
  • I think often times her aim is way off..:)
  • What goes around comes around ... Hey, I hate it when my answer gets MOVED, and then does NOT seem to answer the new question ... The original question I answered asked what I thought of karma ... ... for this new question, "YES" ...
  • I think it ROCKS! I see it happen all the time. Those who think the evil they do doesn't come around until the next lifetime, need to wake up and look behind them, it may be creeping up slowly but it will catch them!! Be very sure of that!
  • It is as part of life,as the air we breath.It is and is hard to understand,and therefore misunderstood.The premise comes from India,Tibet, and parts of Asia,the land of deep thinkers,sages,and wise men.It is free of judgement and just a reality of life.
  • You shall experience many returns.
  • It's a dish best served cold!....Oh, sorry....That's revenge.
  • I have never seen any direct evidence of Karma...I mean look at our country's leaders (USA), and tell me that Karma is
  • Karma is nice and, indeed, people reap what they sew. If they keep acting in a negative, or positive, fashion, most likely they are going to get the appropriate results. I do not believe there is a giant Wheel of Karma though. I think it is just cause and effect.
  • Ity keeps me in line. She is a b**ch when messed with, so I quit messing! Outcome........... peace. Gosh, if only I realized it eartlier!!
  • I think there is something to it. You reap what you sow.
  • I think that Karma works if you believe in it. you can always find reasons to make Karma seem real, but i just don't believe in it.
  • It's a very nice wish - people beleive that good things will happen to them if they do good things, and those who do them wrong will be punished by misfortune. But that's not the case by anymeans. It's comforting to think this all, yes, but in reality, this doesn't always hold true - don't get me wrong, whatever happens to a person is greatly infulenced by their actions, but all the very same, there is no cosmic law that says "What goes around, comes around."
  • I think it's what we call *Natural Consequences*.
  • It sounds like you're talking about something metaphysical -- a sort of cosmic "scoreboard" that keeps track of your good and bad actions and metes out punishment or rewards. That's a lot like the Western beliefs in heaven and hell, with God keeping track of your "points", etc., except lacking the personal touch that the God views usually bring along. That's not my understanding of karma at all: karma is simply the mundane and utterly ordinary workings of cause and effect. If (for example) you tend to lie a lot, those lies eventually tend to catch up to you. If you invest a lot of energy into being of service to others, the cumulative effect in your environment tends to produce positive results. But it's not anything magical or contrary to science, it's just that the complexity of reality is such that it's hard to see the details of all the connections sometimes. It's quite clear to me that this kind of "causal loop" does function in life. But it's not absolute -- there's still randomness, and bad things happen to good people, and sometimes the crooks get away with murder. Over the long haul (a lifetime), a steady effort to do good does pay off, just as steady selfishness tends to produce suffering. But it's a mistake to become preoccupied with "building your karma". Just do your best at each moment -- for the sake of this moment, not to build up some future reward. That in itself is the true reward: living fully at each moment, fully engaged, fully alive. Everything else is irrelevant if you're doing that.
  • Karma works in past,present,and future lives, it is also in the after life. It is how one learns the lessons that advance the spirit to higher levels!!!!!!!!
  • I believe so. As a Buddhist I have seen the work of Karma, sometimes minutes after the event or sometimes months or years later. And I do not doubt that some Karmas bear fruit in future lives. Karma is the effect of actions, and so skillful actions in this life will lead to a more favourable rebirth as your mental states will be more refined.
  • I do believe in karma, but I believe that it is realized eventually, not necessarily this week or next life. I'm not sure God (or Goddess or Buddha or Allah or whatever word is suitable for you) works off any kind of time-table.
  • I believe in Karma and I believe it gets you in this life. I think Karma is the natural consequence to the way you live. Cause and effect if you will.
  • I think both. Although raised Christian, I still believe in Karma. I believe you get back out of life what you put into it. If you are a liar, a bigot, a cruel, evil person that does bad things, then you can't expect good things to happen to you in return. Love and be loved. Be good to others, and they will be good to you in return.
  • If karma is anything like the old saying what goes around comes around then yes I believe in it very much. It is something I think many people realize in this lifetime. Unfortunately there are those who never realize and continue to do evil throughout their lives. I truly believe though that people like that will get what's coming to them in the next life.
  • Yeah, I think I believe in it... I'm not a religious man, but the ole saying "What goes around comes around" is something I believe in strongly.
  • It's easy to believe in karma, it seems we are mentally conditioned to do so. We, as humans, are very adapt at seein causations, so much so infact, that we see them where they do not exist. Knowing this, I don't believe in karma, as much as I don't believe that leaving your keys on the table means bad luck.
  • i do believe but first and foremost... you might be doing it to yr self. stay aware and becareful. let this be a lesson learned messing with peoples emotions is no good. and take care. more than karma i believe that the energy you put out into the world comes back to you so try and treat people the way you'd want them to treat you.
  • You know.. if you have turned your ways around and are sincerely caring about others and their feelings.. then you just may be meeting people who are still stuck back in the selfish zone you left.. not that you deserve it now. I do believe you get back what you put into things but if you have outgrown bad behaviors.. then I do not believe you are going to keep getting kicked for previous bad mistakes.. Lord knows I would be getting kicked forever if that was the case and I feel blessed in life. Just hang in there..
  • Sure I do. I'd probably still do good things for others even if it didn't exist. I'd rather be in a world where people concentrate on the good in others, and try to bring it out by doing good things for them, than the opposite. :o)
  • I absolutely believe in Karma. Positivity brings positivity, and I have seen that on many occasions in my life.
  • Yes I do I,ve seen it in action.
  • I believe in karma for it is the result of cause and effect.It has no judgement and makes us accountable for our actions.What we reap from our actions does not necessarily return to in the same way .Simply speaking if we punch someone in the nose it does not mean that this action will be returned to us,but be repaid in another form to balance out the karma.Karma is not restricted to one life time,so it sometimes appears that some are fortunate when others seem unfortunate.This karma is leftover from a previous life.
  • haha are you using that example as a way of hinting? I do believe in Karma and I'm getting the bad side of karma right now with guys...but the good side with finance, family, and friends..
  • Sure, Karma existed since the dawn of time.It is individual as well as collective.Communities ,nations,and the world have collective karma. Past karma dictated where we are now in life and karma we create now will dictate our future karma.That is why reincarnation makes sense,for we could not rid ourselves of karma in one life only.The game of life is to get through lives with detachments to the things of the world and stop collecting karma then enlightenment comes and we need not to ever be reborn in a body again.
  • i believe in karma, fullstop!
  • Haha! ok you win..points to you! :)
  • I believe that what goes around comes around. Yes.
  • I can't quite put my finger on it but I think there is something to it. It can be in the short term or the long term. My simplest way of putting it would be that our actions certainly have consequenses, both hard and vague in the future. I just saw a story on the news about some guys teasing a siberian tiger at the zoo, the tiger got pissed, escaped, killed one and maimed the other two. It seems those fellows created some bad karma for themselves.
  • I do. I believe my karma is opposite, however:P
  • Yes,and have studied it for decades.It is the only thing that makes sense.The oldest religion in the world,Hinduism talks about it and it is straightforward and truthful.One gains karma throughout lifetimes and the goal is to stop collecting karma and gain enlightenment.Good and bad karma are the terms humans put upon the the events in our lives,and are opinions of what is good and bad.
  • i believe in karma.....and it all depends on how you live your life, i dont think any one person either has good or bad karma, you eventually get dealt the same hand you dealt someone else, weather it be a good one or a bad one =)
  • I think my karma ran over my dogma. Maybe that is why things have turned out the way they did. =-P
  • Yes. & A little of both.
  • Not really in a spiritual sense. I look at Karma as more a measure of consequence. If you hang out with snakes, you'll probably get bit. If you surround yourself with honest and fair people, you will treated honestly and fairly. If you don't care about others, others wont care about you. That is what I think Karma is, The result of your own actions.
  • I think that's my soul
  • i believe in Karma and i think it's pretty good. i do my best
  • Yes i do and i do my best to have good karma even though sometimes i misbehave.
  • I do believe in Karma. I believe I have both good and bad Karma. Nobody is perfect.
  • I do believe in Karma and I TRY to keep my Karma on the positive side. I try to do things to make the world a better place, be a decent and productive member of society, fight injustice, be a good friend, husband, father, and pet owner, treat everyone with respect and decency, and do no harm. WHEW! I know there is more to it than that and I also know that I have many failings and things I'll surely pay for. I'm human, after all. :)
  • Yes what goes around comes back around, No one is perfect you are good and bad at times the only thing is all the bad comes back but you don't seem to see the good when it does.
  • i dont bellieve in karma whatsoever, iv never treated another person bad, hell even when i was at school and popular i always stuck up for the kids that were getting bullied and i have bad luck all the time.
  • I'm a big believer in Karma! And I'm pretty happy to say that good Karma follows me around. =)
  • I've had bad karma for a lot of years now and I must have did something wrong.
  • As with anything, the more you believe in it, the more it exists. I try not to believe in karma because I don't want any belief to rule my whole life. Besides, there are too many tragic things that randomly happen to good people to take the whole karma thing too seriously.
  • Yes. I kind of do.
  • The philosophical explanation of karma can differ slightly between traditions, but the general concept is basically the same. It is usually understood as a sum of all that an individual has done, is currently doing and will do. The results or 'fruits' of actions are called karma-phala. Karma is not about retribution, vengeance, punishment or reward; karma simply deals with what is. The effects of all deeds actively create past, present and future experiences, thus making one responsible for one's own life, and the pain and joy it brings to others. In religions that incorporate reincarnation, karma extends through one's present life and all past and future lives as well.
  • Yes and its a BITCH!
  • No I dont.
  • Yes... it's a simple idea... do good things and good things happen to you. Even a Christian (like me) can believe that.

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