• What we did is we first used newspaper. Most puppies will go straight for the newspaper. Now don't get me wrong they will have Accidents. Or you can try using Puppy Pads (Potty Training Pads for Puppies)
  • Get the puppy a cozy crate with blanket in. Keep puppy in it (he will LOVE it)...and take him out ONLY when you can tke him out, play with him, feed other words pay FULL attention. Puppies sleep a lot so don't need to be out of a crate all day. Puppy won't mess his little den (unless you leave him in longer than 4 hours at this age). Every time you take him out of the crate, take him outside and when he pees praise like crazy! He will get the message. It usually takes a week to house-train a pup if you are consistent and use a crate.

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