• What would the blood test be for? Paternity can not be established by a blood test while the woman is pregnant. Paternity is established by gathering a mouth swab from an infant's cheek and a similar sample from the suspected father.
  • well its legal to have sex from 16. There is no rule saying that someone over 18 cannot be with someone 16years and above. its your parents opinion, they have that but no right whatsoever. What are they going to go to court over? they just dont like him I guess. Love, stay strong. I was 15 dating a 21 year old then 16 dating 22 and after a 23 year old. Now my boyfriends 19 and his ex is pregnant with his baby due on my 18th :) could be worse eh.
  • In Texas, the guy can still be charged with statutory rape if the girl is 16! Check your Wisconsin state laws. I checked online about Wisconsin and it said the girl must be 18, so yes, the girls parents could still cause alot of trouble for the young man, if they can prove he had sex with her.
  • I would check with the Wisconsin-Child-Protective- Services to see what you should do and where you go from here. Eighteen years of age is your age of sexual consent in Wisconsin. As for a blood test on the male,only a court order can force him to take a blood test. And that could get legally messy.
  • I live in Wisconsin..the state will demand a DNA test.
  • 16 is the legel age for sex so No she was of age, this issue makes my blood boil as i worked in a school for years and ive been close to the teens and im telling you now the girls arnt inocent, why is it that the boy is always to blame it takes two to make a baby yet the parnets of the girls always more or less blame to boy shame they too didnt learn how babys were made
  • because clearly she only got pregnant because this older man manipulated her, she had no choice in the matter and he is still controling her forcing her to avoid the law saving her from his evil. now in a less sarcastic tone, she had sex. got pregnant, and how she has choices. who ever the sperm donor was has no ability to make decisions for her so leave him alone. no I am not speaking from personal experience I have only been with my wife.
  • The age of consent in Wisconsin is 16 so they can not take him to court for statutory rape or anything like that. Once the child is born he could be taken to court for a court ordered paternity test. But if she is over 16 and she consented, he broke no laws.
  • Most states consider anyone that is pregnant an adult. The female has been "emancipated" without going to court because she is now a parent. The parents are no longer responsible for her. They can boot her out if they want, or she can move out if she wants and they cannot retaliate by reporting her as a runaway. But this also makes her responsible for her medical bills, because once she is out, they can report that to the health insurance company and she will be dropped. The parents cannot take the father to court unless he has caused them a loss by his wrongful actions or they have DNA evidence prooving he is the father, in that case they could end up only winning half from him since he is not the only one that "got pregnant". The parents can take the daughter to court to regain out of pocket expenses they have paid towards the medical and other pregnancy expenses, if they specify in writing that the monies are loans. Ultimately, this would be a matter you can ask your local "civil" courts about. I hope this gives you a step in the right direction.

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