• You say: "I challenge you to a duel"... I don't think there is much more to it than that, but what do I know. I don't often get into duels. haha.
  • Walk up to someone and say, "You filthy swine! I challenge you to a duel to the death!"
  • You don't. Killing in a duel is charged as first-degree murder.
  • Well, first things first, you should make sure that dueling the offending person is worth it. I mean, is risking your life over some thoughtless jerk who cut you off in the grocery check out line really worth it? Once you have that out of the way, it is time to get down to the actual challenge. The crucial ingrediant here is a glove, preferably white (if it is not winter time, or you do not regularly carry around a pair of gloves, you may wish to start doing so) Remove said glove from your hand, and slap the offending cad across the face with it. He should be momentarily caught off guard by this. Next, throw the glove down haughtily, and declare (southern accent optional) "Sir, you have insulted my honour. I challenge you to a duel." You may also, if you wish, demand satisfaction. It may also be prudent to explain to the brute, if it is not openly clear, what exactly he has done to incur your wrath. If the man has any honour, he will accept your challenge. He may also simply just apologise, but, if he is a real man, that is unlikely. Also, believe it or not, most people no longer carry around good, old-fashioned dueling pistols these days. Signs of the times, I know. So if you want to do this right, you should proabbly carry a pair around yourself, to make everything easier. You should also decide between the two of you on a location to do it, preferably somewhere secluded, and preferably at dawn. If you're going to do something, you might as well do it right. I suppose I should mention, thanks to this country's out of control activist judges, that dueling is strictly speaking, illegal. Just keep that in mind. Happy dueling. EDIT - I'm so confused. Someone actually gave this a negative rating. What more do you want from me? :p
  • Aren't you supposed to slap them in the face with a glove?
  • Usually I do the old slap in the face with a leather glove and yell something along the lines of "You French pig, I challenge you to a DUEL!!!!!".....usually this doesnt work though..most people I yell at are not French and/or dont want to duel in the first place....good luck though
  • Mark Twain has an answer :- "I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him." Mark Twain
  • drop your glove at their feet, if they pick it up, they have excepted the challeng. If they just walk away, they are cowadice, or use just look like an idiot depending on how you look at it.
  • FIRST: you have to say I WANNA DUEL
  • i think you just say "i challenge you to a duel" or you say "'ello, my name is enigo montoya"
  • You say (loud and with authority) - 'I challenge you to a dual at dawn my good man. I will see you as dawn breaks across this land on the playing fields'. (improvise) Then you turn around and flounce off like you rule the world. Oh, and I think the comment above about slapping them with a glove is correct so do it before your speech. Have fun.
  • With Yu-Gi-Oh cards!
  • slap them with your glove

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