• The .22 long was origonally designed for a revolver and specifically refers to the bullet. The .22 long rifle, I would assume, was a rifle designed to fire the .22 long bullet.
  • .22's come in different styles. The .22 Short is a rimfire cartridge with a short case and a short bullet. The .22 Long has the Long Rifle case and the Short bullet. The .22 Long Rifle has a long case and a long bullet. Shorts were used around farm yards or other close areas where there were concerns about the bullets penetrating structures. Shorts were also used quite a bit in shooting galleries. Longs were a kind of bastard cartridge that never really caught on and as far as I know, has been dropped from the manufacturers inventory (Shorts too, for that matter). The .22 Long Rifle is still popular, is shot millions of times each year and is the caliber most people learn to shoot with. The .22 LR is lethal, has killed most species of big game but is not recommended for anything larger than a rabbit. It is also extremely accurate in target loads and is used extensively in competition target shooting.

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