• I think it is an interesting example of ghettoisation. I would not choose to be buried in such an enclave.
  • Humans love to segregate.. in life and in death.
  • That's ridiculous! Should they really have to be seperated from everybody else? It just makes them a target.
  • I don't think this is a smart idea. People will damage the graves and plus that is just segregation.
  • How do they handle bisexuals? Half here half there?
  • again it just goes to show that even in death they can't or won't accept gays/lesbians as the same as everyone else... and it will attract homo phobics and idiots and will lead to graves being damaged...are they going to put full time security guards on to protect this section... because they are going to need them
  • Being concened about what they do in Copenhagen is a frivolous waste of time until we can remedy our domestic issues.
  • Preposterous! Now the gay-haters will know exactly where to go to desecrate the graves. Do you have a link for the story? I'd love to read further....
  • They really did it to keep "the breeders" out.
  • That is just plain silly. Yes, it is just going to give the gay haters easy targets all in one place. Why did they do that?
  • I think it is the wrong approach. It makes too big a thing of sexuality, which is just one aspect of a person. We don't have separate areas for men and women. If you go through with this, you would have separate areas for optimists and pessimists, left and right handers, tall and short...
  • Hmm. I'm not sure if the designation is to ensure that partners who might not otherwise be buried with each other can be together or whether the association simply wants a place specifically designated for gay people. If it's the former, I understand that. If it's the latter, I'd say an association like that does more harm than good for the gay rights movement.
  • Many of me friends are gay back home. I do not have anything against them. I,am not God.

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